weed helps surviving customer interactions on the phone, mushrooms dont really make works possible at all, because you know this cloud over there looks really fascinating. it reminds me of that time, when i was at that lake and woah did you just see that ray of light?
Shit, when I used to grow the devil’s lettuce (till power got exorbitantly expensive) I was supplying my boss and half my coworkers at no charge.
In my experience, weed brings people together!
Try growing mushrooms. Much less energy requirements lol
weed helps surviving customer interactions on the phone, mushrooms dont really make works possible at all, because you know this cloud over there looks really fascinating. it reminds me of that time, when i was at that lake and woah did you just see that ray of light?
Try microdosing.
I’m actually working in it, I only recently discovered them!
The fact that you just called it the devil’s lettuce makes me think you didn’t
My lettuces keep growing these sticks am i doing it right.