Porn works kinda
Basically Homelander from the boys
Lucky bastard, no need to go around bragging
Oh dear, that’s actually awful. Poor little thing, well I hope she enjoys the new house
Si claro que lo conozco, estuvimos juntos en Argentina mucho tiempo.
My cats have had phases, ranging from violent as hell to playing and sleeping near each other.
Honestly Idk how violent that other cat was, but isn’t it a bit of an overkill to move her?
I got a 16
If they that cute I’ll take em all
Oh thank god, I was so worried, if you left so would I. It’s amz to know that thanks you
Hahaha ce la vi
It it legal? I remember when China’s tech giants started infighting and the party ended up dividing them and phorbiding them to do so.
They where creating tech exclusive for their devices and internally block all other out.
I just figured if we aren’t doing it here there should be a reason. (Apple appart)
Edit:guys what I’m saying matters the orthographic mistakes can be easily attribute to my lack of interest in writing the proper queen’s English when any shit will do
Roger Roger
Tbh I think the top of the mountain was infinity war. I never heard such silence as I did in the scene when gamora asks, what did it cost
If I go up and down a bit it eventually charges. Try it
Do cats fight in groups? Like if there is a cat intruder in your house and you have 2 cats.
Are they going to fight side by side or only one of them is going to face the intruder cat?
I would agree with you if it wasn’t for the fact that your said: indifference
It’s not indifference, it’s just being able to see things how they are and still be able to bounce forward and keep on fighting for what you want. Even though you know you can’t survive probably.
He’s French. But at least he’s having a laugh with his neighbours in a daily basis I bet
The stones will ???