Hey folks, just checking in to see what everyone is playing this week! Did you find a hidden gem or are you jamming on a classic? Let us know what you’re playing and what you think of it.
Cyberpunk 2077. Damn good game.
Another backlog game I would like to get to soon. Did you play it on release at all?
I played it all the way through on launch on PC. It had bugs, and it was missing some glaring things, like proper cop AI. However overall I had no game breaking bugs. But also, I didn’t really follow the hype until the game was already coming out, so i didn’t have many expectations going in. I highly recommend it. Performance has improved, features have been added and refined, and it’s got a very rich and detailed world to play with. I haven’t played the DLC yet, but I’m hearing that’s pretty good as well.
Gotcha, that’s about what I’ve heard from others too. I’m glad they continued to work on it and make it the game that they originally envisioned. I’m looking forward to playing it eventually haha
Just finished playing this for the first time. Loved it wished there were more in world missions to do as I enjoyed the city.
I’m doing another playthrough on hardest difficulty while only leveling intelligence perks. So, all I do is use smart guns and quick hacks. It’s a very different way to play.
I started another playthrough of Skyrim! I’m not using any mods, but I am using content from the Creation Club or something that Bethesda offers, so I’m seeing new quests and weapons. I’m still discovering rooms and such in caves and dungeons I didn’t see before, and after all these years, I’m still having the time of my life! :)
Not to dissuade you from exploring Skyrim some more, but if you’ve never tried Enderal it’s completely amazing. Fan-made game using Skyrim engine and assets, free, and intense. Just, uh, don’t play the intro around those who scare easily.
Just, uh, don’t play the intro around those who scare easily.
But that’s me 😭
Maybe skip the whole game, then, it gets dark.
Ah wow never heard of this before. Thank you!
Such a classic! If my backlog wasn’t so large I would have returned to it by now
Finished Batman: Arkham Asylum yesterday. Also started Witcher 3 a while ago and have yet to finish that.
Two Bonafide classics!
Slay the Princess
What a crazy, unexpected gem. Without spoiling anything, it’s a hand-animated interactive narrative game with strong Stanley Parable influences.
That came across my recommendation queue the other day - despite my dislike for horror, it looks interesting enough that I might check it out!
I don’t think I would classify it as a horror game really. It’s got some gritty subjects that it dives into and there are a few storylines that can be a bit gruesome, but overall it wasn’t really scary. It was more witty and philosophical at its core.
I watched a stream of someone who played through every ending because the game is just captivating and so well done.
Appreciate the feedback, thanks!
I ‘finished’ Symphony of the Night the other day. By which I mean I got the bad ending, rather than doing some extra stuff to unlock the inverted castle. Should I go back and do that? Maybe at some point.
I’m very close to finishing Tears of the Kingdom, and I’ve also started a new playthough of New Vegas on my Steam Deck. Plenty to keep me busy!
Getting the bad ending is, at most, half of the content of that game. So yes! You should finish it
This is probably an irrational annoyance, but I don’t like how finding the inverted castle is near impossible without a guide. I like logical puzzles! So that put me off slightly. I will go back and play through it eventually though.
SotN is one of the best games of all time. The GBA Castlevanias are good as well. Thinking of Castlevania always reminds me of that multiplayer co-op CV game on XBL that I wish was still around… Harmony of Despair.
Oh man, I just found a Unity port of Harmony of Despair with an active community playing it!
the very opening of the mirror castle is pretty cool so you should do it
SMT Nocturne, it looks as if I’m about to battle with the four horsemen of the apocalypse.
Old game I know, but old is great 👍
I saw someone on Lemmy recommend Backpack Battles yesterday, its pretty simple to pick up but takes a bit of thinking to start to optimize. I played a couple hours and had a lot of fun.
I’m planning a big mission to the Jool system in KSP, so I’m working on a reusable heavy lifter, large resource scanning probe, a refinery with small collection ships, a big lander, a spaceplane, a science station, comm satellites, and reusable transfer vehicles.
Sweet. I forgot about Kerbal Space Program but it looks like a ton of fun!
It’s several hours of monotonous testing, often involving spreadsheets, for one moment of triumph.
Probably the best simulation of a space program I can think of.
Oh damn, maybe that isn’t my kind of game then 😅 I don’t mind a few calculations here and there while gaming but idk if I would find it fun to go full blown engineer to play a video game. I’ll still probably give it a go if it’s on sale though
I have mostly been playing Forza Horizon 4.
I am not a car nut, but fun and relaxing to play while listening to a podcast
Forza Horizon 3 has been in my backlog for a long time, been meaning to check out the series.
Forza Horizon 3 just had its servers shut down, so no multiplayer any more ):
I think I will continue playing Dark Souls Remastered. I am not that far at all. The second boss is killing my nerves.
Or I continue with Minecraft: Create above and beyond Modpack
I still haven’t gotten into the Souls games yet. I think I just can’t handle that level of punishment from video games
Friends tell me that this game becomes awesome once I finish the second boss…
Its a mix of punishment and curiousity.
Tony Hawk 1+2. Just found out the multiplayer servers are gone, which is a bummer, but it’s still fun.
Really? That’s disappointing considering it came out recently. What are you playing it on?
Switch. Apparently online play never worked for most people, only those with 5G-based home Internet (like me) were able to use it anyway.
That’s rough. Honestly online play would be a selling point for me. I’ve played enough of THPS that a reskin and new soundtrack isn’t super enticing to me
Borderlands 2 on native linux. Im not a huge gamer but this one is adddictive. Got it for like 5 bucks on steam. Does anyone want to play multiplayer with me. If native linux to linux works
I’ve been considering Linux gaming lately. How does borderlands 2 run for you?
Running nobara OS. Some games require setting launch options. BL2 is one of these for me, other people had no issues whatsoever. Once I get it launched, it works very well. Cant do multiplayer with windows players(or at all? Not sure). https://www.protondb.com/app/49520
Never heard of nobara, is it supposed to do Linux gaming well?
Nobara is a fork of fedora specifically for gaming. Been the most stable OS ive used so far.
I’m still playing Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen. I’m enjoying the game more now. I thought I had finished chapter 2 but it turns out there was a lot more to do! I find the characters more interesting to play now that they’re higher levels and have more spells and gear. The story is developing more too and it’s looking good.
I’ve been playing Valheim with a buddy as well and it’s been a blast. Combat and exploring the open world are great fun. I could easily let myself get lost in this game until dawn if I wanted.
Which version of DQIV are you playing?
I’m playing it on Nintendo DS!
A great choice! The DQ DS remakes were one of the main reasons I got a flash cartridge. I’ve yet to go through DQVI
Oh there’s more DQ remakes? I’ll have to check them out!
Yep! They remade IV, V, and VI for the DS. VII and VIII on the 3DS as well if those interest you.
Now if we can get even just a bit more news about that gorgeous III remake…
Unfortunately haven’t had much time to play but i’ve been playing elden ring again. I’m juat getting to Morgott. And witcher 3 (which i’ve had for probably 6 years now and never beat) i’m in skellige trying to finish the quest where we help them figure out who should be the next leader
Remnant 2 is still going strong here. My Dark Souls power fantasy - with guns n’ shit! Love it!