I have a spare pc that I am thinking about repurposing for arcade emulation. Preferably I would be using a crt, but hdmi to composite adapters seem to have a lot of issues.
Are there any good options for a GPU with actual composite output, that wouldn’t be a massive downgrade in power from my gt 710?
You can get GPUs as new as Nvidia’s GTX 900s and AMD’s R9 300s which will be DVI-I capable (DVI-I or DVI-A are what you’re looking for, not DVI-D). You can then use a DVI to VGA to composite adapter chain for perfect, lagless CRT video output.
Thank you, this seems like the best solution. Unfortunately, both of my spare GPUs are dvi-d, so I will still have to buy one.
Why do you simultaneously need analog video AND performance equal to a modern GPU? All of the old games in analog won’t demand modern GPU power.
If you had an open pcie slot (hell, even PCI might work) why not just throw in a second antique GPU with analog - which would run in parallel with your existing modern card.
I would prefer performance vaguely similar to a dirt cheap card from 2014, nothing crazy. And that isn’t a necessity, I just want to maintain most of the functionality it already has.
If I remember correctly the board does have a spare pci slot, so how would I go about running two cards in parallel?
Preferably I would be using a crt, but hdmi to composite adapters seem to have a lot of issues.
Like what?
Image quality and delay.
This isn’t quite what you asked, but might also be an option: the Raspberry Pi 4 model B has composite output, is fast enough for arcade emulation, and is probably cheaper to buy and operate than an old video card in a desktop PC.
Iirc my old Radeon 4750(? 4850?) had s-video out, which I believe can be converted to composite with just an analog adapter… not 100% sure on either of those though, heh. And that’s an old card (iirc I got it around 2007)