Today is day 200 and The game is Alan Wake 2. I’m honestly really excited to have made it this far. I was honestly really expecting to just forget to make a post one day or just be bogged down by life. And not to trauma dump or anything, but i was in a bit of a rough spot when i convinced myself to start these. Nothing to severe, but i wanted to just say i appreciate all the support I’ve gotten posting these.
To celebrate a few things; such as 200 days, my new gaming PC, and just a general good day, i have decided to celebrate with my favorite game i have played while doing these screenshots.
This will have been my 4th playthrough now. I did the two loops i did on here, and i played through the game with a friend as well after convincing him to play with me. I picked up the Deluxe Upgrade so i can look forward to some new stuff this playthrough, but i’ve also just been left feeling like i wanted a fourth playthrough after my first three (not to mention i’d like to play it a resolution that’s actually reasonable lol). It’s an interesting feeling, because usually i struggle to playthrough a game more than once. The only game i’ve done it too within a short time span is Silent Hill 2 i think.
The game looks really pretty. I’ve been switching back and forth between Ray Tracing on and Off, and it looks gorgeous with it on. Though it looks gorgeous with it off too. I got this photo of a tree while just starting out:
I love how it towers over the player. Right as you go up to it Casey comments on how creepy it is.
When i got back to Bright Falls, i just started walking around seeing all the sights i remember from the first game. There’s this area i remember fighting through in the Night Life in Bright Falls section. There used to be a street lamp there that seems to be gone now though:
Walking around, i decided to try something that it never occurred to me before to try: Getting an Arial shot. I positioned myself above the Sherrif’s Station and took a photo overlooking the lodge:
Heading into the dinner, i grabbed this really good looking shot of a table. It looks really good with the Ray Tracing settings on:
After the diner, i headed to the Sheriff’s station and grabbed a just as pretty photo of the street. This is another building i remember from the first game. There’s a section where poltergeist’s chase you down a street into a hardware store in one of the DLC specials.
I headed into the morgue for the autopsy, and Saga accidentally stepped into the Blood Bucket. I took this picture of her in the act. I have titled the piece “fuck.” because that is what her expression reads to me:
When Nightingale attacked, i wanted to try playing with the lighting setting to try and create something creepy. It didn’t really turn out creepy and more like what i look like when i turn my phone on my in the middle of the night though:
Finally, the last screenshot i collected was of this deer that jumps out. When i mentioned my play through i did with my friend, this deer is one of the best memories i have of it. When it jumped out it scared the shit out of him and he screamed. Then right after it ran away, he talked about how he thought it was enemy, only for an enemy to burst through the wall again when he was saying that and made him scream again. I took this photo to send to him just so he can remember it.
I got to the Alan Section today. Hopefully, tomorrow, i’ll get too start on the DLCs. I’m really excited. I’ve been avoiding as many spoilers as possible about them.
Alongside Cyberpunk, AW2 is probably the best showcase for ray tracing I think. Truly a gorgeous game.
Excited to hear what you think about the DLCs! I also have been avoiding spoilers and putting them off, and I’ve built up towards doing a full playthrough plus the DLCs sometime soon myself. Really looking forward to it.
I’m hoping you enjoy them as much as we’re both looking forward to it!
Hey! Dropping you a line in this AW2 thread too! lol
I love AW2. I think it might’ve been your post that made me pick up Control, actually. LOVED that! And the DLC is massive and so much fun. I loved the AW tie-ins.
We seem to have a pretty similar taste in games, so I’m glad to hear you loved and wanted to replay Silent Hill 2 right after playing it. That’s my next purchase, for sure. Although, where we differ is that I LOVE replaying games. Especially games like Cyberpunk, where the openness and discovery of the thing leaves a lot to keep finding. I mean, shit, I’m on an embarrassing number of playthroughs and im still finding new locations, new ways to interact or new pieces of each gig story to see. Love it.
My all-time games (I’m a very new gamer) are Cyberpunk, RDR2, AW2, and Control. I want to find more that strike me in the way these have.
All very good choices for favorite games. Cyberpunk i ended up pausing once my new gaming rig arrived. I still need to install it on there. Going through it though i loved the city and the story. It was one of the most realistic Cities I’ve ever played in
Congrats on 200! Thanks for keeping up with this. Beautiful screenshots today
Some of these are almost photorealistic if you squint! Your friend being false jump scared then real jump scared is hilarious
It’s really impressive how realistic it. It’s one of the most realistic looking games i’ve played. And i’ve been teasing my friend about the jumpscares ever since it happened
Glad to hear things are looking up for you. What‘s in your new rig?
Thank you, i hope things are good for you too. My new rig has a Ryzen 7 3700x, 32 GB of DDR4 RAM, a 1 TB NVME drive, and a Radeon RX 7600 XT. Nothing too fancy, but for around $800 i expect it to hopefully last me a long while
That was how i played through my first playthrough of Silent Hill 2 lol. I wasn’t sure if everything was dead so i kept clubbing everything with my weapon until i was sure it wasn’t getting back up
Congratulations on reaching 200!
Thank you! i’m excited to have made it this far