• FourPacketsOfPeanuts@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    ADHD in reality: …so you see it wasn’t actually Constantine I that established Christianity as the religion of Rome, as you’ll see in things like the Da Vinci Code (which was so wack, you know, that they weren’t allowed to film in Westminster Abbey they had to go to Lincoln cathedral but director Ron Howard said it worked out better (that Ron Howard, by the way, you know the guy in Happy Days?)), anyway he merely legalised it, it was actually Theodosius I who made it the state religion (and(!) by the way he actually wasn’t acting alone but it was a joint declaration with a junior co-ruler called Valentinian II who…

    (guy holding knife) “Look, man, I’m just trying to rob you, but I’m just going to cut my losses and go, you know? would that be ok? we cool?”

    “… LEMME FINISH!! … who had gotten an Arian slant on Christianity from his mother, Empress Justina while at court in Milan against the wishes of the nicene bishop who was called Ambrose (you know, like the custard…”

    “oh god…”