Originally I’ve download the signal app through playstore, but often it also get updates from Droid-ify(Fdroid client). Today its weird and I got this . Explain to me this.
On the Droid-ify the signal app is provided by: org.thoughtcrimes.securesms
Originally I’ve download the signal app through playstore, but often it also get updates from Droid-ify(Fdroid client). Today its weird and I got this . Explain to me this.
On the Droid-ify the signal app is provided by: org.thoughtcrimes.securesms
I’ll just drop this here
What is the benefit of using this instead of Signal?
You get to convince your peers once more to use a different app.
Uses the signal back end and is cross compatible
Android tablets as linked devices is why I use it. Something Signal seems to refuse to add.