I don’t mean what you use to chop down your feces, but an object that you realized only your family has and people would raise their eyebrows at. Best if said object has a sole purpose.
I don’t mean what you use to chop down your feces, but an object that you realized only your family has and people would raise their eyebrows at. Best if said object has a sole purpose.
A mop in the hallway because my dumb but lovable doggo can’t take a sip without spilling most of the water onto the floor
Seriously some dogs have the order of operations wrong.
Sip, swallow. Sip, swallow.
Some dogs finish and are like
Sip, swallow. Sip, walk.
Mine swallows but gets it’s chin soaked in water and drips all over the hardwood floors every time
I have one that picks up a mouthful of food, takes it around the corner, drops it on the ground and eats there. We’ve just gotten used to it.