First of all, fuck you. Second, dark castle. Third ow owie my back
roses, obviously
my neck hurts so bad today that I can’t tell if my back hurts.
Beach for me.
Trick to soreness is workout regularly. Then you can act like it’s cause the gains instead of getting old.
Anyone who picked either dark tower or roses as a favorite had a thing for Lydia in Beetlejuice.
Anyway, I pick dark tower or roses
Well shit…
i like the one holding cards because of the little random card animation sliding in and out of the sleeve
Red robot for me.
Also, you guys really need to get up from your computer and do some stretches once in a while (go to the gym!). It’s too early for your backs to start hurting.
Bottom right, the hand. Liked that sometimes a card would come out of the sleeve for a second.
That is specifically why I would pick that one! Did any of the others have Easter eggs like that?
I did not expect to get attacked like this.
I injured my back while this was till a thing.
I’ve had some great physiotherapists and it’s covered for free under medical (yay Canada) so I’m doing really well.
I still should work out more.
Definitely work out more. It’s just starting for me, and exercise has been a game changer
Roses, because sex. But sometimes you need a little getaway/relaxation, so I might switch over to Palm Tree Beach.
I liked the roses and it’s my neck that hurts
I always picked the fish and my neck also hurts…
Windows 3.11 trauma just kicked in