Real chads don’t eat kitkat!
fuck ne*tle
Yeah those plants are prickly af /s
Both taste like slave labour.
See, this is what’s wrong with society today.
People are so eating bad candy incorrectly.
Or did you mean the state of discourse in its crudity, and naked obsession with status and frivolity?
That’s fine too as long you eat bad candy correctly.
It’s symptomatic. Symptomatic of the abandonment of all that is proper and decent. Would our great grandparents have eaten candy like this? Would they have celebrated their rebellious ways so boldly? No, they’d have been ashamed. Ashamed of their wicked rule breaking. Rule breaking just for the sake of it. Rule breaking, not for mercy, not in exceptional circumstances, not out of desperation or having no other options, but role breaking just to show off how little respect they have in their hearts.
So yes, yes, people are eating bad candy so incorrectly that you can TELL society is on the point OF COLLAPSE.
This is indicative of a terrible malaise in education, in parenting, in intergenerational transfer of values, in respect and in good manners. No wonder the far right are on the rise, that Naziism is again celebrated. These edgelords will be the first to join the SS, just to shamelessly show off how wicked they are. Have we learned nothing? Are we so quick to repeat history’s darkest mistakes?
As long as we repeat them interestingly I won’t grumble more than necessary
That link to naziism doesn’t make any sense lmao
You say that because you commit crimes of indecency against confectionary and you like to think of yourself as immune to radicalisation. Don’t kid yourself. Come back to all that is right and good before it’s too late for you.
This is why we can’t have nice things.
If you chomp, nobody else will want any part of it.
But if you break you can replace the broken off piece with laxatives to punish the thief
This is an S tier meme, bravo
Say the line, kitkatjak!
Chomps unite!