You are in this meme.
Yeah no shit it reads ‘lemmy’, everyone here is in this meme
Mince you into fertilizer 😂 Reminds me of Soylent Green and Oddworld
Tell me how you don’t know the difference between corporatocracy and capitalism without telling me how you don’t know the difference between corporatocracy and capitalism.
mincing me into fertilizer instead of making me sell their crap at 5k% markup gets them more money how?
This way, they have a product to sell. The next tool to come along is hired as the salesman (no salary, 100% commission).
People think capitalists care nothing except their net value but that’s an unfair stereotype.
What’s the use of having all the money if you can’t make other people suffer? How else will the poors know you’re better than them?
So everybody on Lemmy is non-capitalist is what you’re saying?
Does anyone here own capital? As in being haut bourgeoisie? Probably not.
If you support capitalism and you’re not a capitalist you’re just a bootlicker.
Fake. There are no women here.
Yes there are. Stop being weird. (Am woman)
For the anti-capitalists, I have a genuine question (sorry, I couldn’t find an “ask a commie” community):
In the capitalist system there is a movement called Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) where people commit to living frugally in an effort to maximize savings and investments. The goal is to achieve a balance that allows you live off a safe withdrawal rate (around 3.5-4%) and then leave the workforce at an earlier than normal age. Some people commit to a life of minimalism and lean-FIRE with under $20k in investment income per year. I believe there is significant overlap with the van-life crowd and other nomadic lifestyles.
Is this lifestyle compatible with, or is there a similar lifestyle within a communist system? To expand, can those with a different set of priorities trade away their later working days in exchange for less material things?
What? There are plenty of communist Lemmy subs you can ask in. I just think you haven’t tried hard enough.
To answer your question tho, no - because there would be no need. Communism does want mandatory participation, but if checked and balanced correctly everyone would work within their limits and not be relegated to a lower class of living - because that’s sort of the point of communism. You’d work within your means until there was time to retire without being limited in access to services and goods. Theoretically, under a functioning communist system, there would be no manufactured scarcity.
Tbh I believe both communism and our current form of capitalism centralises power and ownership way too much. Social-capitalism, or even libertarian socialism, might be the ticket. It would undo at least 200 years of psy-ops and gamed laws designed to favour the rich and vesting power in them, which is the issue of centralised power that we’re facing today - in what some call “late-stage capitalism” - or what I call the breaking point of society under a predatory, exploitative and imperialistic form of capitalism that seems more like the privatisation of the aristocracy than the supposed liberalisation of economy. Transparency, accountability and consequences for people in power and wealth is what’s sorely needed.
PS: New public management is a con-job disguised as decentralisation meant to encumber governments under the guise of checking and balancing them, being effectively a psy-op in of itself to make people hate public services and taxes. As per usual, goddamn liberals - and I include socially conservative liberals in that polifical grouping. Dems and pubs are the same, want the same institutions and promote US imperialism - not fiscal independence, no matter what justification and mental gymnastics they put in the form of spreadsheets.
PPS: Also, additionally, commodification of the housing market was a mistake. It will always be stupid and harmful towards society.
Wow, this one touched some nerves.
I’d recommend posting a tangentially political meme at some point on Lemmy.
The amount of people who will come out of the woodwork to tell you ‘don’t post this’ and ‘don’t make things political’ will really be eye opening.
People don’t want to address systemic issues and think not talking about them is a viable solution.
Just making comments about rich people and their taxes seems to do the same thing here.
Don’t even have to go THAT far, I get called a commie for saying a 40 hour work week should provide basic shelter these days. 🤷
If we want to live in boring reality, it doesn’t happen a LOT but way more than it should.
I mean that was and is a basic communist agitating point, you might be closer to a communist than you think.
I don’t know if this is supposed to be snarky or not but I’ve accepted a while ago that I’m definitely some version of “leftist.”
I don’t see myself that way necessarily but capitalists are drawing their line in the sand so far to the right that it is what it is lmao
It was meant to be snarky as in laughing with you not at you.
These capitalist and billionaire cocksuckers sure love socialism when they socialise their losses and fucking take our tax payer money to bail themselves out. if you’re working class and don’t support socialism, you should look into it more. Propaganda from these blood sucking billionaire ghouls have made most of us blind to the better life socialism can offer us.
That isnt socialism, thats the capitalist state doing its job of protecting capital. Socialism is when the proletariat own the means of production.
Bad take
LOL as you type this on a electronic device that was made by capitalists.
Imagine participating in society lmaoo
Sure, I take my family on vacations via airlines run by capitalists who fly airplanes built by capitalists. I like to sit in a bar that is privately owned by capitalists and chit chat over a beer that was brewed, bottled and distributed by capitalists.
Sure, I’m missing out on all the socializing that communists have time for when they are waiting in bread lines. But hey you can’t have everything.
I just KNOW you don’t wipe well enough.
I live in a capitalist society. The shelves are well stocked with multiple brands of affordable toilet paper that I can buy with a stable currency.
If you live in some commie shithole that can’t keep shelves stocked let alone food on the table I can see why you might think that.
Shitty booty mf. You need to buy some wet wipes and stop being afraid of touching your own asshole.
Keep posting that meme, maybe it will be relevant one day.
That day has come.
Not quite, I made a bland general comment to troll on a bland general post. My intention was to trigger some commies. Judging by the comments I’d say it was a success.
My intention was to trigger some commies
“Was just a prank bro”
No not a prank. A prank would indicate I wasn’t serious about my actions and want to apologize.
I’ve been pretty up front that I wanted to trigger some commies. I also take nothing back and apologize for nothing.
My dude. The capitalists are not the people who made those devices. Workers made those things.
My man, capital was expended developing the technology underpinning those devices. It was expended building the tools and sourcing the materials that went onto the device that the workers built. Capital was expended paying the workers for the time they took making the devices and bringing the device to market to sell.
Labor and capital are needed to function. Both can be true at the same time.