Woah, that sounds insanely promising. Thanks for sharing!
Just a geeky little guy
Woah, that sounds insanely promising. Thanks for sharing!
Do you mind sharing your experience? What kind of documents have you been writing and how easy has it been to adopt? Any frustrations or issues?
This is EXACTLY what I needed! Thank you!!!
WOAH! The last one had some trailers but I don’t remember any trailers like THIS! 😮
Wow, very pretty!! 🤩
Uhhh… You can’t unring a bell 😂
I understand that this new CEO has been dealt a pretty shit hand and is doing their best. But, I doubt they’ll win back many people that have already migrated to new tools.
Thank you!!!
I’ve been looking around for demos that would actually be more fun to play on the deck than playing on my PC. Right now I’m eyeing up one called Combat Complex that is a twin-stick shooter ARPG with shooting mechanics that look really juicy! I’m hoping to get it installed tomorrow and give it a shot 🤩
Am I going crazy or does this somehow look smoother and more punchy than MW5?
Oh, goodness, this is the first time I’ve ever heard about Invidious. So my imagination jumped the gun and I didn’t give this gorgeous visual revamp the credit that it’s due! Thanks for your hard work!
Oh, this looks pretty promising!
Any idea of how much they’ve shared a roadmap? I’d love to see if they have goals to integrate other video platforms like PeerTube to make it more than just an alternative YouTube front-end.
Any time I hear about this game, I always remember how much TB adored it. Thanks for posting this!
This happened to me 2 years ago, so I know it’s really really tough. We put our old boy Stanley down on Christmas Eve and it was devastating. He was a long haired tuxedo that looked almost exactly like your sweet Belle.
I hope you take comfort in knowing that her last moments will be right by your side, where she likely feels the most at peace. And I also hope that you take care of yourself, take the time to grieve, and lean on your loved ones when you can.
Aha! I’ve finally found someone to talk to about that! I’m pretty unfamiliar with the franchise. I think I briefly played the first game on mobile, but know very little.
What’s so engaging about the first game and what makes you look forward to a second one?
That was an amazing night for Baldurs Gate 3! It’s a lovely game, so I get it.
I was a bit surprised by the multiplayer win, though 🤔
If they support this game even half as well as No Man’s Sky then I’m excited to see how this one works out!
When they released that free Quixel pack I was hoping to see something like this. I just didn’t expect to see it so soon!