Something something boiling frog
My previous/alt account is which will be abandoned soon.
Something something boiling frog
Wouldn’t that be akin to adding new features? Adding support for previously unsupported (due to their lack of existance) hardware is a feature imo.
Besides, while a program may eventually be bug-free, no modern computer has flawless hardware so creating a large program without bugs will always remain a thought experiment.
The only possible reason to do it would be if an alien civilization were to demand producing such a program or else they’d destroy Earth (similar to Erdős’s thought experiment with finding Ramsey numbers). Perhaps with all of humanity’s resources and a few decades this could be done.
Absolutely, I was thinking more along the lines of focusing solely on bug-fixing.
Eventually: Yes.
There are a finite number of bugs (or bug types rather, you could have infinitely many bugs from the same few lines of code) and it will take finite time to fix them all. You cannot know when you have fixed all of them though. But some games have gone above and beyond with fixing bugs, like Factorio where you will not encounter bugs without explicitly looking for them.
Das ist doch vor ein, zwei Jahren schon mal passiert?
Verbesserung: Vor 5½ Jahren…
Ich erkenne fast nichts ABER immerhin sehe ich einen Limmy. Hören eher nicht, da bräucht ich Untertitel.
Ich sprech schon (hoffentlich) gutes Englisch. Es gibt aber einiges wo englisches Material schlicht nicht existiert oder auf dem Stand der deutschen Synchro ist. Als erstes Beispiel fallen mir da die Asterix Cartoons ein, die waren im englischen Raum nicht annährend so beliebt wie in Europa.
Wüsste ich auch gerne, Stand jetzt kämpfe ich mich durch die englische/internationale Torrentszene durch und hoffe irgendwie irgendwo irgendwann eine Einladung zu ergattern.
Sonst gäbe es glaube ich noch die Möglichkeit über die weitaus öffentlichere deutsche warez-Szene in die deutsche Torrentszene zu kommen.
Die deutsche Torrentszene ist aber auch maximal versteckt. Alles invite only, so ein Dreck.
What’s so difficult?
import project as p
Sahen Sie noch nie der Wolken edles Weiß?
And an archive would be doing exactly that: Distributing copyrighted materials.
Moving to Europe is not necessarily a great idea depending on the country they choose. US copyright law is comparatively lenient to some European countries, who can be said to be (much more) controlled by publishers when it comes to copyright.
Depebding on the country, Europe has significantly worse copyright law than the US, to the extent that archiving a web page is illegal.
Fun fact:
In Germany you have to pay a special tax for anything that could be used to violate copyright. It ranges from 0.10€ for USB sticks to 90€ for faster printers to 14,000,000€ for opening up a public library - all going to a bunch of publisher organizations.
Couldn’t you tell? It’s clearly a furry cat.
Fair enough, I’m far from an expert when it comes to working with these tools.
I’m not a graphics designer, I just occasionally dabble in GIMP. Is it really that bad or is it just different from Adobe? I’ve had some issues at first because the GUI is not intuitive in the slightest but I kind of enjoy the workflow now.
Although the most complicated thing I’ve ever done was recreating an AI generated logo with actual symmetry, logic and around 20 layers.
Oh nein, das kann man unendlich lang weitermachen.
Ich hasse Schriftarten bei denen I und l gleich aussehen$ curl | bash curl: command not found
Als ob curl ein erlaubtes Programm wäre, damit kann man ja Pornos herunterladen.