I had the opportunity to visit Detroit in 2017 at the height of the USA. It was a hell-hole. Capitalism doesn’t work.
I had the opportunity to visit Detroit in 2017 at the height of the USA. It was a hell-hole. Capitalism doesn’t work.
This isn’t my picture, which is the whole point. People are making these bizarre contraptions without even a theory of what they would do.
Right, so then the original article would also be untrue (or at least not provable just by observing both numbers).
Violent crime has decreased since the 1990s as video games (including violent ones) have continued to grow in popularity. If anything, this establishes that violent video games prevent violent crime.
Why do right-wing people tend to portay the government as incompetent boobs EXCEPT when it’s convenient? They are too inept to do anything, except they can easily staff, coordinate and orchestrate a nation-wide roundup and subsequent detainment of tens of thousands of people.
For this conspiracy to be true, tens of thousands of Americans would already have to be in on the plan and you would see large construction projects (that are easily observed) located in each and every state. Just like the moon landing being faked, it would rely on so many people keeping the story perfectly secret, even though the scale of it would need to be breathtaking for the conspiracy to be true.
If I go to Google image search and put in “cartoon king”, there appear to be a mix of blonde, black, red and white haired kings. Red doesn’t appear to be over-represented here. What cartoons are you thinking about?
I’m scared that my new position will be as bad or worse than the old one, the same drama, the same backstabbing and playing favorites. It would be really tiring to get out of the frying pan to get into the fire.
As with any job, there will be some things that are better than your current one and some things that are worse. It seems like you already opened up the “quitting” can of worms at your current job. Reversing course is not impossible, but it is atypical. I would probably follow through with quitting based on what you said about your manager’s attitude, and it also seems like you don’t really like the job.
Apply to a bunch of places, do a bunch of interviews and get some offers. If you don’t like your next job you can always leave that one. I would encourage you to try to treat people right at each job. You do not want to leave a giant wake of burned bridges. Eventually, people you work with at job A will show up at job B, and if you’ve been an asshole, no one is going to want to work with you. Conversely, if you are pleasant to work with, people will even recommend you for a new job.
Look up friend, change is scary and it’s OK to be nervous. Put in some work to find a new job, re-examine your life. If it feels better, stay, if not, quit. There are new jobs all the time, and if your work is valuable in any way and you have a good attitude, you’ll never have trouble finding work.
What is your definition of working class? I would need to know that before I can weigh in. She doesn’t meet MY definition, but YMMV.
Do you have any hobbies, no matter how obscure? That’s often a great gateway to meet people with a shared interest. If you don’t have one, look for nearby homeless shelters / churches. They often have volunteer programs where you can do anything from feeding the homeless, to helping pick up trash, etc. This work tends to be very fulfilling because you can cause a positive impact in the area that you live in. You will probably also meet a person or two while doing this.
People love to talk about themselves, so if you do manage to chat someone up at one of these events, ask them about their life. Try to steer the questions towards one that don’t have a yes/no answer, and keep engaging them and asking follow up questions. Making acquaintances is basically as easy as that. Do that long enough and you’ll have more than one friend.
TLDR: Find people with shared interests; engage them in conversation. Repeat until friend[s] acquired. Easy as that.
Non mainstream opinions. Anything outside the extremely small overton window on Reddit is immediately hidden, deleted or downvoted. Lemmy has far more diverse opinions, and I also believe that it leads to more interesting discussion. I enjoy being in the same room with people who don’t share all my opinions. I find it more interesting and engaging.
Meta commentary: note that “LEFTISTS” are not this bloc that is perfectly aligned. You need to ask the individuals whether they hate small scale as well as large scale landlords.
There is no universal “LEFTIST” belief. People exist at every point along the spectrum. Stop thinking in binary terms and you can have far more productive discussions with people.
Well, good on you man. I’m skeptical this event can be pivoted into actual positive change for the average American, but if you have enough resolve to make a go of it, you’re a better man than I.
But without rich people, who’s going to fund it?
TIL most water is made of Hydrogen
Which is why it can never work
That’s right. OP had an amazing moment of self-awareness.
Idk, people are doing it already. Seems like this isn’t really a good reason.
You seem to be wondering why people aren’t starting an “easy” coop. Have you ever owned and operated a business of any sort? Why not try it yourself instead of speculating how easy it is for people to start and run a cooperative business?
If you’re saying “money was too tempting”, then isn’t that an inherent flaw in any Marxist Leninist theory in practice?
HA, yes, yes it is. Marxist Leninist works most effectively when everyone is moralistic and considers the larger picture. It doesn’t work when you have a world of selfish money grubbers. Notice which system is winning today?
I’d like to see you own a small business and get offered 10x its value by a large corp. Then you can see whether you want to maintain your praxis or retire on a nice beach somewhere the rest of your life.
Was Adolf Hitler running a flawless campaign too?
Not flawless, but his moves to boost the German economy and reduce unemployment had pretty wide support in Germany, especially after the extreme troubles the Germans had economically after the first World War. His rise to power was only made possible by a wide base of support that existed during the 1930s in Germany.