As far is fun veggies go, I grew some “carnival” beets last year that had really fun patterns when you cut them open. They were very tasty roasted!
My seed order from Fedco recently arrived and I’m thinking about planting some radish and/or lettuce inside to get things going. Also eagerly awaiting some high-bush blueberries coming later this spring!
The solid ice we’ve had for the last couple weeks is finally melting, and I biked to work for the first time today since before the holidays, so that was nice! I’m excited to see things start to come up again soon, and to go on another crusade against the garlic mustard once it starts showing its face in my yard
I went with a “Bluejay” and “Blueray” to start with, though I’m hoping to add more (and other berries) each year.
The beets were a few different colors, but here’s one of them -