Your worst still friendly friend
Personally I never pay attention to the score.
This question is too difficult, there are too many candidates…
Dunno but if I were an alien the stupidest thing I could do would be contact “humans”.
Most of people choose what marketing makes them to choose.
All that’s missing is the garage myth behind the creation of BlueSky, without forgetting how its creator is a genius, and these people would be willing to pay for access!
Centralized or decentralized platforms, they don’t care lol
It’s a daunting battle to fight, and it’s disheartening to see that even when we try to discuss these issues, many people are quick to dismiss our concerns.
You said it all.
Whether we like Richard Stallman or not, we cannot deny that it started (in part) with the “I don’t care” and the denigration of free software.
Education systems around the world have failed to promote free software as an IT basis and vigilance against proprietary software lobbies.
My opinion is that after being conditioned by their environment most people have already given up on their privacy, so mass surveillance does not bother them that much…
Telegram was built to protect activists and ordinary people from corrupt governments and corporations — we do not allow criminals to abuse our platform or evade justice.
Criminals according to what standard ? In some countries, activism or sympathy with a cause is considered criminal behavior.
Evade justice ?? What justice is he talking about? The justice of the United States of America, Chinese justice, or the justice of the nationalities he possesses?
Better to avoid this platform
GNU/Linux for life. Winbooze only at work, sadly.
from a decade ago.
Any problem with that -_____- ?!
Close to 0%
Probably for the same reasons Benjamin Netanyahu was glorified in U.S.A. Congress a few weeks ago.
Actually I prefer E-ink (using Kobo with Koreader).
But when I have to take a physical book I prefer to choose the paperback one, it is light, cheap and flexible.
Hardcover are nicer in a bookshelf than in my hands.
Mindustry, Endless Sky, and Unciv.
It would depend of the health state of the victims, the probability of success of organ(s) transplant, and many more subtle factors to consider…
How do you choose the next potential victims,
It is above all a moral question -_-…
Are those waiting for a transplant better than the futur victims ? They deserve to live more than the futur victims ? Based on what criteria ?
If the killer wants to save lives so much, why doesn’t he sacrifice himself?
Maybe you should write a book about it !
Thank you for sharing your opinion 🙏
I like “old” social or societal Japanese movies.
Because they bring other ways of thinking and many issues that are ultimately universal.
They encourage us to meditate on the different associations that push our societies to become what they become, and force us to rethink the other, otherness.
Could recommend many but let’s say for example…
Suicide Club Totally Weird (not for children )
Hana-bi Intense
Okuribito Deep
Nobody Knows sad 😭
It may seem strange to you, but I have learnt a lot from these types of films.
You see, the dominants start to express their disapproval by downvotes. Would not be surprised to see my own brother among them -_-…
It’s always comfortable to be a dominant and ignore the sensitivity of the dominated
Cause of racism. -_-
Thanks to Ibram X Kendi’s books that helped me become anti-racist.
The same team that run it now.
Great !