watch the video, my dude
watch the video, my dude
ppe is pre-production environment
…it is definitely a typo, nobody says ppeview
Cool, that’s interesting to hear. I played for a month or two when it came out and pretty much abandoned it because it was boring and didn’t seem like anything was going to be fixed. Maybe I’ll try it out again. Need something to play while drinking a few beers that’s not rocket league lmao
Neon White, it’s fun and scratches the same time trial competitive itch Mirror’s Edge had. I like the story as well, it’s quirky and funny, not too serious.
check out Rectangles my dude (obviously doesn’t come with it but in case you’re looking)
I don’t think that’s a fair comparison, the only two libraries that are related to the actual packaging system in that list is yarn and NPM. The rest of them have to do with the complexities of actually having your code runnable in the maximum number of browsers without issue. If python was the browser scripting language, it’d likely have the same issue.
Is there a python package that transpiles and polyfills python3 to work in python 2? 2.7? 2.5?
Also, unrelated to your comment, a lot of people are dunking on npm for the black hole that is node modules (which is valid), but also saying it’s not pip’s fault a lot of packages don’t work. It’s not npm’s fault the package maintainers are including all these dependencies, and there are some 0-dependency packages out there.
Kind of an old one, but Creeper World is kind of like that. I don’t know if it’s actually released, though. It was originally a flash game and the developer was making a new version, but in the devlogs I’ve seen he had changed the game significantly multiple times and then I lost interest. Might be worth checking out either way.
I was going to suggest Toribash, but that looks way cooler. Toribash is pretty ancient at this point and has a pretty tough learning curve.
there are towns, though when I last played the only interactions were really the conflict event thing, and I don’t think it really did anything. I’m curious by what you’re thinking is meaningful for the NPCs to do. Something like DF where they build out their own skills/story?