That’s… not really true? Or at least i haven’t run into that problem.
As in Wayland yes. X does have color correction stuff, which is the most important part.
It’s kind of embarrassing they still don’t have this tbh.
It’s also not automatically end-to-end encrypted (as i understand it) so it’s possible for those who aren’t tech savvy to set it up wrong.
Sounds like the exact kind of entitled, whiny man babies i was expecting.
People should use better sources and call out the ADL when it’s used but they’re right on this. This information predates their current madness.
The SPLC’s information is, unfortunately, nowhere near as comprehensive but they also list it. As does Wikipedia.
Anyone using “Austria 88” knows exactly what they’re doing. No way you put that together by chance.
If this guy could focus on what he’s good at and keep his damn mouth shut he wouldn’t be in this situation.
Looks like it’s a for profit company so take a guess…
That is a flaw. Flatpak is great where it works but Flatpak doesn’t solve all problems, neither does any one solution except os level modification. It can be a last resort by it should be a last resort that works. The layering system could be put together such that you don’t get side effects of installing packages like that. It might be tough to fix but that doesn’t make it not a flaw.
Sortition has the same benefit.
They know what’s going on, they know what they’re doing. They just don’t care, they like Trump they just can’t argue their case and don’t care to.
It isn’t, though. Package layering modifies the install itself. See:
The big problem with the way ostree works is that installing things has side effects. Every item you install with ostree makes all future items slower to install, including regular os updates. This is a significant flaw in the way they designed it and really makes immutable oses less attractive.
Immutable is fantastic in theory. Where it falls apart is having to basically rebuild the whole distro every time you want to make a change. It should be there your base distro is immutable, then any extra changes go on an additional mutable layer but that would be difficult to set up. (You’d need a package manager like Nixos or something.)
There are hundreds of Linux developers, including companies like Red Hat, Intel, IBM, Google, and more. You want all these people to up and move to… where? Somewhere. Russia, or a Russian ally presumably but hell if i know. Anyway you want them all to move so a handful of people working for Russian weapons manufacturing companies can keep maintaining pieces of the Linux kernel?
This is obviously a non-serious suggestion.
Switzerland is currently sanctioning Russia. Let me say that again to be clear: moving to Switzerland, the most neutral country in the world, will not prevent you from having to abide by sanctions against Russia.
“A lot of companies” completely left the sphere of influence of basically any country except Russia? Doubt.
I know the company i work for has to take similar steps when the sanctions went into effect, for example. Same as almost everyone.
I’ve had an ADP employer in the past and when i tried it prompted me for some additional personal info so this did not work for me.