Your ideas are overly aggressive, even just leaving. Just change the topic or say “I’d rather not discuss this at work.”
Your ideas are overly aggressive, even just leaving. Just change the topic or say “I’d rather not discuss this at work.”
I mean, functionally it does mean exactly that.
What am I supposed to suck your dick for giving out terrible advice that only a small proportion of the population can follow through on? I’m literally just telling you how you actually come across. Hear it or don’t.
Sounds like you have to be sponsored by a company to make the move though via a business visa? That still basically only happens to people in high paying jobs.
You’re in a high paying career and knew someone in the country, that made things way easier for you, and indiscriminately giving the advice that people should emigrate makes you sound like a privileged tool.
Is it? Is Dexamphetamine legal in Europe?
Adderall isn’t an approved medication outside of the United States though, and it’s the only drug that works for me. Plus… I’m already having a hard enough time. You need tens of thousands saved up to even afford a move, and then go through the immigration process? All that paperwork? Obviously there are better safety nets outside of the United States but most people privileged enough to afford to leave would also be in less need of a safety net.
Basically, this is terrible advice lmao
Eh, don’t worry too much about what “would have been”. I was diagnosed at a young age and still struggled.
Nah, tired advice. I was literally on a remote island for most of a year, and missed out on Harambe and clowns and whatever else happened that year. But if you have a real interest in pop culture you stay in tune. Most older people don’t stay on top of it because they don’t care to, which is fine it’s not for everyone.
It is essentially the same thing, but that is the cultural box that we’ve created where it’s normal to keep track of your lifespan. A Death Note style reminder has not been deemed socially acceptable.
It’s objectively weird in the sense that most people don’t do that.
I don’t see how self awareness has to do with anything here
Why else would “fish dicks” be funny?
I think that is the historical reason for cups. I saw another commenter post that a measuring cup is approximately the volume of a teacup, and those do tend to be about the same size.
i suppose that does seem easier with high quantities!
This actually clarifies a lot, I didn’t realize there was a misconception that Americans are just using random cups and spoons.
Never have I ever thought “oh it would be so much easier to pour my flour into a bowl on a scale” rather than just scoop out a few cups.
We don’t … literally use random cups lmao.
The packaging will tell you, but I think most people just buy in bulk rather than buy the exact amount needed for a recipe.
Isn’t that still a roundabout way of calling him a gay fish?
Most of my jobs have been 9-5. I work as an ecologist. I’ve also always been hourly, so that’s why my hours are not so broad.