And to his girlfriend after me, but a small part of him lives in fear of my wake-up call to this day
I was more like a drill sarge than a mommy after that snooze button got hit.
My dorm mate made me detest people like this, only took a couple of mornings before I became the alarm clock
And the whole fake native ancestry thing too
Don’t want to go to a potluck!? I mean dinner party sure I’ll play dead to get out of that, but a potluck where you can eat free food while hiding in the play house like a goblin to avoid small talk! You need friends who can cook better.
Remember people don’t want a lecture when having a conversation, you get 3-10 seconds to make your point then it’s someone else’s turn to talk.
Is the title referencing that this joke is from 2002?
The game is almost 20 years old. My great grandchildren are going to be seeing ads for skyrim and RE4 rereleases into the 22nd century
Its a tool thats finally able to use all that data they have been hoarding effectively. They weren’t collecting it all just to have it and sell you weird t-shirts
Don’t let a player boss you around in your game. If they’re not going to have fun because they don’t get what they want, boot’em. Get a feel for the groups expectations for the game, and then reset it to how YOU want the game to go. If you are not having fun, no one is going to have fun, and no D&D is better than bad D&D
Well first its not “social status” your describing but authority. Thats the word your looking for. I feel like authority is pretty cut and dry, those people have the ability to punish you if you don’t comply.
They got rid of 3.5mm jacks because for 95% of the customer base they were as useful as bellybuttons, they collected lint. If you want to use a jack, get a dedicated audio device and pick whatever phone you want.
What about Star Trek?
It is busted seed! English is a fun language
Im mean its a grain but but thats not as funny
How about Yerba Maté?
This is always a good thing because it means you have grown. Be very wary of people who liked their past selves better.
Sometimes i feel like im the only one living it, i see it as Karmic justice because i tip really well and try to be nice to animals.
Most people know of Vienna so there are probably less mistakes