Original video went private. Here’s another. https://youtu.be/MAFdzBTe2lg?si=w0UmIr8TcR7DcZYl
Original video went private. Here’s another. https://youtu.be/MAFdzBTe2lg?si=w0UmIr8TcR7DcZYl
I think we may need to implement a 128 bit unix timestamp before that will work.
Many people have given great suggestions for the most destroying commands, but most result in an immediately borked system. While inconvenient, that doesn’t have a lasting impact on users who have backups.
I propose writing a bash script set up to run daily in cron, which picks a random file in the user’s home directory tree and randomizes just a few bytes of data in the file. The script doesn’t immediately damage the basic OS functionality, and the data degradation is so slow that by the time the user realizes something fishy is going on a lot of their documents, media, and hopefully a few months worth of backups will have been corrupted.
If you want to run some less low-level code to explore the kinds of sounds that code like this can create, I wrote a python applet that lets you explore random and custom functions interactively. It comes with several presets for interesting functions I’ve discovered on various websites.
r/buyitforlife is a treasure
5+ sets are also possible and can get very intricate.
This looks like it would be a fun way to learn godot.
A silent, energy-free cooling solution that works for hours at a time? Sounds like it’s perfect for military operations. Imagine the Boston Dynamics robots, but without the whirr of cooling fans.
Thanks for posting this! I’ve often struggled with ACPI and Linux in the past and this sheds a little light on why that is.
My personal favorite is the spider costume for dogs.
If there aren’t compilation instructions in the readme, check the source code for a “/docs” durectory. Sometimes you can find instructions there.
I got a b/w Brother laser and have been using it with Windows, Linux and Android devices with no issues. It has lasted me through 6 years of university and I’ve only replaced the toner once. Probably the best technology investment I’ve ever made.