Still wild to me how competition shoots themselves in the foot. It’s even worse than streaming services.
Still wild to me how competition shoots themselves in the foot. It’s even worse than streaming services.
106 Gbps
They get to this result on 0.6 MB of data (paper, page 5)
They even say:
Moreover, there is no need to evaluate our design with datasets larger than the ones we have used; we achieve steady state performance with our datasets
This requires an explanation. I do see the need - if you promise 100Gbps you need to process at least a few Tbs.
Excel enabled non-programmers to create basically any app as long as they are fine with a cell-based UI. Same with Access and CRUD apps. I know people love to dunk on M$ here, and for good reasons too, but these two programs are probably responsible for a decent chunk or PoC/v1 projects worldwide.
Everyone’s waiting for the BATTLE TOURNAMENT arc.
I liked how Frieren threw both Stark and Fern under the bus with like zero hesitation.
At some point, you really do have to start wondering whether Flamme went, “What if I messed this elf up for life emotionally, but in a funny way?” given all the non-magic stuff that she taught Frieren.
Another great episode. Not much to say. Frieren’s lowkey trolling is the best.
What do you think this white field is?
Loved how most of the episode is spent on the hype build up. Like when the scales are introduced it becomes pretty apparent that they are going to be used and that Aura won’t like the results. But we really spend time on why Frieren hides her mana and why it won’t ever occur for demons as a valid long-term strategy. And so by the time the scales come into play we are absolutely hyped for the result. Which is followed by immediate and complete dismissal. Frieren has no interest in demons besides killing them. Even when presented with someone pretty high in demon hierarchy, Frieren does not care for any information or giving any orders, besides killing them as soon as possible.
Also that decapitation scene is just great.
Man the animation quality just slaps. Not only the fights, but even Stark putting his jacket on was fire. Also Fern’s side step.
A few years ago people were talking about convergence of phone/desktop, i.e. you plug your phone into a big screen and keyboard and it’s now your desktop computer.
Mobile apps are shit for that. Sure, my phone is powerful enough to browse internet, play video and music but on desktop with mouse/kb it’s just weird and funky. And I’m not even talking about any productivity software which is straight impossible.
In a way, Frieren’s lack of gravitas is refreshing. Usually, when you have elves (which are not just isekai hot babes with long ears), they are at least a little bit haughty, and it makes sense, too: having lived for thousands of years, some acquired pride is to be expected. But Frieren, while undeniably long-lived, and it is reflected in her personality (by relation to time mainly), absolutely does not feel superior to humans. Celebrate her early wake-up by spoon-feeding her? Sure! Carry her like a sack of potatoes? Thank you very much.
Frieren’s constraint/lazyness is great - I’m sure she could have taken on a few human guards. Especially with Fern and Stark assisting. But same as in the flashback, she wants to teach them a lesson about demons?
I’m okay with a bot posting episodes for popular series (which are guaranteed to have comments), but the abundance of zero comment discussion posts benefits no one. I propose we limit shinobot to top 10-15-20 popular series per season (by MAL followers or we can vote before the season starts). Anything else can be posted manually (it’s very simple anyway - go to /r/anime and copy the source text for the episode discussion, replace or remove one /r/community link and optionally link past discussions).
Kinda low quality animation/design. Or we are just spoiled by Gilse. I like the series and Mia though, so still gonna watch it.
Turns out I really like fantasy without levels, skills, cheats, isekai protagonists or plot structure. I have almost forgotten what’s it’s like. Himmel is a bro.
Uggh, yes, that.
Nowadays it’s change settings, refresh page, navigate 10 intermediate pages because SPA, confirm that your settings stuck.
Frieren mimic’d: twice
Frieren is going to be a cult classic alongside Mushishi, Kino no Tabi, Haibane Renme, YKK and a few other similar melancholic works. I just don’t see how they are planning to get mass audience.
IrfanView. Nothing comes even close. I would probably move to Linux if not for that.