Also apex legends and Rust use it, EAC it’s not the reason.
Also apex legends and Rust use it, EAC it’s not the reason.
the ones I’ve tried yes, it depends on the developers, for example Fortnite is not supported on Linux because they deliberately made it incompatible.
I stream the game on my TV from the Steam Deck with 30fps, reduced resolution, video compression and input lag.
I still enjoy it and I’m too lazy to put in an HDMI/DP cable.
Yes, but for the web in particular, with the current obsolete technologies that were designed to create websites with a simple interface, it is like continually trying to keep an old man with 15 terminal illnesses alive.
When it came out in its time it wasn’t bad compared to the alternatives. Now there is certainly better, but honestly it will still take a long time before we can choose a standard.
Sharing only the STL it’s not very open source, It’s like sharing compiled software without the source code. You should share the file of the software you used for modelling such as .CAD or .BLEND.
Surely that citydao wasn’t created by someone with profit motives and not aware that in a few years it will be another worthless and abandoned NFT-bullshit.
People who won’t be ashamed of defecating and pissing on their graves.
It feels like we’re back to the first shitposts on Facebook in 2012 with people making serious comments I found this to search and index discord servers, but servers need to join this service.
However, Mars has mountains 10 times higher, Deeper and larger canyons. In general it would be suitable for megalophobic scenarios.
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fortnite uses or used both, both battleeye and EAC support Linux.