depends on where you’re located. here in Seattle we have IGDA Seattle and Seattle Indies putting on events every week.
you can look at all the job listings in the world, without a portfolio to show you won’t get any offers.
I know, it sucks, but this is one of those things you can’t talk your way around.
A moron would follow this line of thought so I’m not surprised to see you pursuing it. Your grand children will curse your name, if a woman is ever reduced to the state where they have to procreate with you.
Dev from Seattle here: game jams/hackathons are awesome for learning new systems (godot, defold, etc) and generate assets you can use to sell your portfolio of work.
Of course, linked-in and finding devs in your region to network with. That’s how I’ve found most of my gigs - networking and linked-in. Wish I could offer better advice.
"¯ \ (ツ)/¯ "
Exactly my point, there will always be people like you to apologize and say “oh the end of civilization won’t be that bad, stop demonizing the very fucks that got us into this mess.”
They’re actively driving the bus off the cliff.
Think about every scientist and official at cop28 desperately working to halt a 1.5c red line. Did the public rally around this effort? Did coal rollers stop intentionally injecting uncombusted fuel into their exhausts to pwn the libs? Did the governments of the world including the US stop subsidizing new extraction?
1.5c is gone; by the time people ‘agree’ it’s fucked and unify to stop pollution at all levels we’re going to be in dire straits.
Minnesota isn’t gonna troll CA. If anyone, it should be Virginia getting trolled because Minnesota is already so fucking good at it. Oh and it’s flag related already!
Don’t give Bungie your hard earned money because Destiny 2 is now pay to win and they’ll always try to screw you. Don’t get sucked into this game and give this horrible company your money.
Bungie was given 1.2 BILLION to retain talent. They decided to fire 100 people going back to the Halo days.
That right there ended any money I’ll ever give to Bungie.
reminds me of the auto market - they can sell SUV’s for more… there are no more cheap handy pickups…
sympathies. my wife and I tackle our cat for claw trims, it genuinely takes two people to manage. But also, one of our dogs requires the same so it’s dependent on the animal and experience. ironically, our other dog, a terribly abused animal that came with a food-distrust issue - is perfectly fine with her nails being trimmed and let our daughter paint her nails.
Every animal is different.
Wonder if google’s moves on playtesting req’s - requiring testing teams of 20 or more users - is going to be a way to assert the play store is safe/well curated etc…
either way shit’s gonna get worse for indie devs :|
nits - overall brightness - hdr support, high refresh rates.
but. I recently got a samsung tu690T, $300ish w/ taxes! - 58" - 4k, plenty bright, good FOV… so I dunno man, I could have spent more to get a brighter set, but for the price I’m plenty happy.
Religion presents the last perfect opportunity for conservatives to weaponize the government against shit they don’t like. Women, children, education, science, it’s all up when your invisible friends ‘wrote the constitution of this christian nation’ /vomits in mouth/
EFF & Planned Parenthood. I don’t have much but they’ll get it. FRFF might get some if I get another paycheck.
Read the book first, it’s worth it.
Bates was such perfect casting for this part.
Honestly I think it’s a lot more complicated and nuanced regarding this here than reddit. When I was a wee lad, I yo-ho-ho some sweet software and games via bbs’s but mostly went legit as I aged. I don’t think there’s more piracy justification here than reddit, but also, I think we’re in a ‘golden-shower-age’ of enshitiffication where services paid for won’t be rendered and that, justifiably, moves the sentiment.
That said, as a game dev, I don’t think people are asking for your proposed argument overwhelmingly - they just want AAA devs to treat their paying userbase better. Some of those considerations are unrealistic, but often they’re justified.
I’m finding Lemmy’s audience to be very similar to 2008 reddit, it’s not perfect, but it’s better than current day reddit and I thank the lemmy creators for having a viable alternative.