Wouldn’t the time travelers try to fit in so they do not disturb the culture?
Wouldn’t the time travelers try to fit in so they do not disturb the culture?
OK mein Fehler ich dachte das seltene Erden für Solarzellen benötigt würden scheint aber nicht der Fall zu sein. Aber dieser Artikel hier deutet an das kupfer uns Silber knapp werden könnten wenn Solarzellen im großen Stil produziert werden.
Das größte Problem bei Solarzellen ist meiner Meinung nach die Speicherung der elektrischen Energie. Statt der elektrische die Wärme Energie zu speichern ist viel effizienter.
Sie arbeiten an Möglichkeiten die Wärme dann direkt in elektrische Energie um zu wandeln was auch kleinere dezentrale Anlagen erlauben würde.
Hier zum Beispiel ein Wärme Speicher mit Ziegeln:
Ziegel sind um einiges einfacher zu produzieren als zum Beispiel Lithium Batterien.
Was ich meine ist: Schreibe technologien nicht einfach ab nur weil du eine der Anwendung nicht magst.
Das ändert nichts daran das dein Diagramm ohne es einfach nicht vollständig ist.
Es wird auch in kleinerem Maßstab in Solarthermie Anlagen für einzelne Häuser verwendet:
Es hat den Vorteil das es, im Gegensatz zu Solarzellen, ohne seltenen Erden auskommt.
Aber ansonsten finde ich dein Diagramm gut und übersichtlich. Sorry ich hätte damit anfangen sollen.
Es ist eine mögliche Verknüpfung und es wird genutzt. Zum Beispiel hier:
Da sollte noch ein Pfeil von der Sonne direkt zu Wärme sein. Das wird oft in großen Solarkraftwerken genutzt.
You forget that that there is another possibility: that one of the religions is true. Of course I am thinking that my religion is true just like you think that your belive is true. I have way more reason to believe that my believe is true than the minimal fact theory. The fact that you just dismissed all the facts in it as mere stories shows me that there is no sense in giving you the other reasons. Have a nice life.
Cover your ears and say “la la la I can’t hear you”
There is no scientific evidence that a resurrection is impossible. Science can’t tell you anything about supernatural things. That’s not how science works.
I’m an atheist
My condolences. You will never find someone who understands you like God, your creator, understands you.
And another one who didn’t really look at it yet feels compelled to reveal their ignorance by making unqualified comments.
I don’t give a f* what those people think if there is a chance that someone could get help.
Fact is you are not even try to help them you are only trying to prevent them from trying if someone/something can help them.
I told them that because I really believe that the one person who can help them is Jesus and because I want them to get better. Do you have any advice that could help them?
Btw here is a video of someone with a mental illness where Jesus helped: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9a6U-BF-T6g
You are dismissing evidence that is believed to be true by over 95% of scholars of all kinds of beliefs and are not even trying to find an explanation for that evidence. That shows that you are biased and your main goal is to dismiss it, not to really look into it.
But why are you even arguing? If it is like you are saying, Jesus can’t help them. If it is like I say Jesus can help them. Why do you want to prevent them from even trying?
Your comment indicates that you did not really look at it.
I provided evidence. Why are you asking me to provide evidence if you are not willing to look at it?
That was only an argument why you could try it not an argument for the validity. For that you have to look at the link in my other comment.
That is a straw-man argument because no one is claiming Jesus lives in the way you are describing it. Also you didn’t even look into the link because your “argument” is not addressing any of the arguments in there.