they can they just won’t
they can they just won’t
sounds right thanks
when I was a kid my mum had this stuff that would just clear it up. You put it on your pillow and it disolves the blockage as you breath it in or something.
Only thing I remember was the bottle was brown though
the worst part is when it happens while you sleep
Russia. It’s a war of attrition and Russia has the manpower and industrial capacity
the west didn’t misread the situatiom because the west doesn’t care about Ukraine they just wanted to kill people
I saw it it’s a fun time. Especially if you like timeloops
robin hood rpg like red dead redemption
no I agree I don’t think it’s racist to reference the fact that people from non industrial societies don’t understand how our supply chains work. Why would they. That’s not them being dumb it’s them not having detailed knowledge without being taught. It’s not reasonable to expect someone to deduce the existence of Bristol from a blue vase
I think you would call this transductive reasoning. Rather than using information to put together a theory and work off that theory you work directly off the evidence
for example hearing a bell and dinner being ready and coming to associate the bell with dinner without ever learning why the bell means dinner
found pie in the bush, there might be pie in that bush
trouble is people are only familiar with the old name
I’m pretty sure that isn’t a real disease. I looked it up and it comes from a make up a word competition
look man I don’t think this conversation is going anywhere so I’m going to disengage.
Don’t call me smuglord when you were the one pretending to not know the meaning of the word meat
yes to a cannibal humans are food. I morally disagree with people killing and eating other humans but if they do those people become food
yeah man I get it you’re a vegan stop pretending you don’t know what the word meat means.
if people eat it for sustenance it’s food
just say you’re morally opposed to eating meat these word games are some reddit tier shit
that sounds like burnout as well. You can’t have your job also be your hobby and not burnout
it’s the english word for animal flesh eaten as food
if you ask “is there any meat in this” you are not asking about dragonfruit
don’t want to say because of privacy. It was a form of cancer
I do many early symptoms look benign on their own and doctors are often overworked because the stupid government wants to destroy universal healthcare to give the whole thing over to some Norman
I kept coming in with early signs of a treatable but very serious condition and they were waved away until it got very bad.
I’m fine now but easily could have died from it
brackets, index (powers), division, multiplication, addition, subtraction.
brackets are always first that’s the whole point of brackets