I occasionally get IP blocked with Proton. Previously I just toggled the random button a few times until it let me through, but Proton seems to have removed that in the latest update for no readily apparent reason.
I occasionally get IP blocked with Proton. Previously I just toggled the random button a few times until it let me through, but Proton seems to have removed that in the latest update for no readily apparent reason.
Yeah, cocoa powder is what I am planning for the next attempt. I keep forgetting to pick some up at the supermarket. Coffee sounds interesting, though I’m typically not a fan.
I don’t know about “better”, but I’ve been experimenting with adding bitter chocolate to my indian curries. The thinking being, some masalas are a bit like mole if you squint (yes, I know most moles don’t actually contain chocolate). Balancing out the bittersweetness has been challenging, especially given that the tomatoes I can get around here are already quite sweet. It also affects how much lemon juice or amchoor is needed. I’m not quite convinced yet that it’s a good idea lol.
cost whom?
So geht’s häufig auch in den USA. Bundesstaatlich mag es “legal” sein, Cannabis zu besitzen oder zu konsumieren, aber einige örtlichen Polizei/Anwaltschaften/Beamter tun ihr Bestes, um es de facto unmöglich zu machen, dass man sich in so einer Lage befinden kann, ohne gegen irgendwelches andere Gesetz verstoßen zu haben.