Wake up Neo
Wake up Neo
I played the MGS3 on nintendo 3DS. It is quite laggy but still playable (and still I’m impressed by the graphic despite of 3DS’s limited power), and I enjoyed it a lot. I wouldn’t say I’m a fan of Hideo Kojima, but I refuse to support Konami in any way and will never buy this.
Is their mail server so different than any other generic mail server implementations? Do they encrypt all the emails at server-side?
I think there is only one thing worth answering in your reply:
Why not make an extension for people who need or want it?
For web page translation, it is considered a very basic feature that should be there by default in all mainstream browsers (e.g. Chrome), but Firefox hadn’t provided this feature for a very long time.
For any AI-assisted accessibility feature such as image tagging, my opinion is that it is even more important to make it easily turn on, rather than requiring user to search and download some extensions, which might be a too hard task for a disabled person.
I don’t want AI in my Firefox. If Mozilla really adds AI, I will consider switching my main browser
Don’t know why you anti-AI so much. An on-device AI is absolutely fine to me, and it’s not like Mozilla will force you to use it. Remember the world is not about only you but also people having disabilities.
Hopefully I don’t get many downvotes for this, but it isns’t necessary to deny anything related to AI and bombard Mozilla for this. Sure, Copilot is a disaster, because it is a service and will call home to M$ and collect your data. But all of what Mozilla offers us is on-device AI, which is exceptional. I’ve been waiting so long for on-device AI-based webpage translation, so people don’t need to rely on external services like Google or Bing to translate any more.
I personally would prefer a mechanical watch, we have too many things that are battery powered in our life already.
It’s sad that a lot of the username come from Vietnam (my country). I remember when the Stellar airdrop announced there were people trying to buy GitHub account for 3-5$ for “their company’s project”. Many people do the thing that called “MMO” like that here, that doesn’t realistically provide any value. They just want to get rich as fast as possible with only simple jobs such as copy and paste.
This! But I also suggest Tic80 as a really nice free and open source alternative of Pico-8.
I understand that this game isn’t for everyone, especially people who want a pause button in a turn-based game.
Second this. If I remember correctly, at some points in VLR, you have to enter some certain passwords to deactivate some certain things or something terrible will happen. But if you play this game on 3DS which has an additional touch screen, you can utilize integrated notepad feature of the game to write down what you need to remember ;-) It is crucial to play these kind of games knowing as little as possible, so I won’t disclose any more details.