I’m not, I’m also imagining an alternate timeline where their last name was Holder instead of Held
I’m not, I’m also imagining an alternate timeline where their last name was Holder instead of Held
That’s most of Canada really, outside of southern Ontario and Quebec. Sometime in the last 12 months Eastlink dropped their gigabit cable by $40 where I am so I’m hopeful for incoming competition finally. My 5 year goal is to move outside of town, so I’ll likely be going with skynet because I highly doubt I’ll have much choice.
Even if it’s shit, there are options for internet so long as the sky is accessible.
Choose the recluse house! I bought a cheap house with neighbours and now the recluse houses are expensive. I made the bad choice.
Thanks, I get quietly called brave a lot for it at the beach!
This is terrifying. Thank fuck I’m not in the US. I already get anxious when some random knocks on my door. If they started spouting off about praying for me and my family I’d be weirded right the fuck out.
Granted, I love my physical privacy. I generally don’t answer the door to plain cloths unless I’m expecting someone. My 5 year goal is to move outside of my current town and have no neighbours. Preferably with a nice long driveway that I may install a gate on at the road.
iPhone SE - work phone provided by work. No idea why iPhone vs Android other than general uniformity and maybe security. I do have the choice of Android or iPhone for my next one, so who knows. Really tempted to go for Pixel Pro because I’m still not used to the differences in navigation a year and a half later. I fuckin hate my work phone. It doesn’t help that my personal is a Pixel 5 and I use the shit out of the back sensor, gonna miss that when this dies.
Apple AirPods Pro - these were a gift when I visited a sister site and they’re awesome. They were better before whatever firmware update happened that forced them to Adaptive Audio or Transparent though. Kind of annoying, but still awesome for being free.
Physically impossible as per our current understanding of physics, mathematics, and technology.
I was 33 for almost 2 years. Covid did a number on my interpretation of time…
God I miss Titanfall…
Deodorant user here. I smell great because of it. I didn’t like antiperspirant because I also found I smelt worse because of it and it never really stopped the sweat very well anyways.
Something you may not factor in though is people expire at different rates. Also, some people smell worse than others regardless of expiration time and some perspire more.
Changling Warlock. Get ready for some shenanigans!
Any way whatsoever after my kids, including with the knowledge that they will expire shortly after me.
Are you me, but with better skill? I do this all the time but the end result is like Homer Simpson’s spice rack.
It doesn’t bother me one bit of you know my search history. You’ll learn I search a word to see if I know your to spell it properly and that I DIY a lot of stuff lol