Have you considered taking your notes on a non-corpo-social-media site that wants you to create accounts with Microsoft to interact with?
Have you considered taking your notes on a non-corpo-social-media site that wants you to create accounts with Microsoft to interact with?
Tetris0—10 are different users. Trust me.
Tech workers need to unionize
I pay $15 / mo for 600 Mbps symetric in Thailand. But I go off the beaten path with just my cell as a hotspot which is 10 Mbps for $90 annually. I can do almost anything I want with even those speeds—just make sure you are blocking ads (uBlock + DNS) to stop all the sludge from gauming up your pipes.
The license is Aladdin which is kinda predates GPL but allows free usage if you aren’t shipping the font with your own competing paid software.
U001 is my main system font as a clone of Univers. Monospace is Berkeley Mono—it might be paid/proprietary but boy does it look nice & was an upgrade from several years with Iosevka. JuliaMono is its fallback though since I use Unicode with frequency & Berkeley doesn’t cover all the symbols I use.
The important part is if you care anything about your fonts, you won’t destroy them by patching in that uncurated hodgepodge called “Nerd Fonts” clobbering used symbols or the wrought-with-false-positive “coding ligatures” which is not how ligatures are supposed to be used but programmers refuse to demand Unicode support in their languages to fix the problem.
Rust doesn’t buy you anything interesting in this space.
Or getting players & friends to stop playing those types of games when there are so many compatible games to choose from.
Privacy vs. anonymity
KDE if these are my choices & by a long shot.
I usually cobble together my own tiling setup. This has less bloat, but also a lot less integration.
Yes, the eventual consistency model works more like a blockchain. Sliding windows are only hiding this fundamental flaw of data usage. It has an advantage against censorship, but it isn’t worth it & chat is better treated as ephemeral than permanent (look at how much info is lost behind proprietary Discord communities).
My uploads folder is mounted with noexec. It’s easy to set your storage usage & upload quotas in Prosody or Ejabberd.
They are called gateways https://sr.ht/~nicoco/slidge/ https://biboumi.louiz.org/
You can do basically everything except multiuser encrypted calls (we use Mumble for this anyhow). But even then Jitsi (& proprietary Zoom & WhatsApp) are built atop XMPP for the backbone of their protocol using XMPP to negotiate connections before handing off for calls.
You can also choose to use technologies that aren’t such resource hogs. The eventual consistency model of Matrix alone & storage costs causud many medium-sized operations to shut their doors. Distroot.org for instance had to move to XMPP to deal with costs—& I have personally seen others.
Synapse boasts about 50,000 concurrent users on a node. Ejabberd has been tuned to 2,000,000 concurrent users which shows how efficient & scalable the setup can be. €5/mo is a lot for many folks.
The default links many folks/projects share specifically log you into Element & on Matrix.org as well which advertizes more folks to be on that centralized node. Furthermore, Matrix provides hosting for some of the other big servers as well even if they are not using matrix.org in the address.
Patch Theory operates under the premise that patches commute & order should not matter until there is a conflict. Git will throw fits if you pull in a patch at the wrong order giving you a different snapshot.
Probably the most notable modern video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XQz-x6wAWk