I run it locally on a 4080, how do they capture my keystrokes?
I run it locally on a 4080, how do they capture my keystrokes?
Ignoring him and getting better ties with China
They are just capitalist with some welfare, nothing left-wing about them
I’m still on an ender 3
This is braindead, are they gonna require background checks for the hardware store next?
Basically this, this is why I don’t use Instagram or shot like that, it’s not truly social
Probably when someone advertised my discord server on 4chan
Ita not that hard to make one, it’s p simple
Go blow myself up at some politician
Second season wasn’t the best
! Viktor literally wanted to make an utopia, and he is a villian? !<
Yea but it drains my battery
Probably about my pets
Now I’m gonna start playing rivals just because of this, kudos to them
Probably a big chunk, thats why i left
Why would you want that?
P nice, might switch to it over from OBS replay
not everyone is privileged, a big chunk of the world is starving and are living in poverty, be glad you are born privileged
Better for my data to be in China than in the US