Der eigentliche Fehler war, überhaupt an einer Springer-Veranstaltung teilzunehmen.
Familienvater, Tech- und PV-Fan (12,6 kWp/15,6 kWh), Elektromobilist, Gutmensch, ParentsForFuture, im Herzen grün
geboren um 333 ppm
Hinweis: AfD-Fans, Schwurbler, Putin-Fans, sonstige Leerdenker und Nappsülzen werden kommentarlos blockiert.
Der eigentliche Fehler war, überhaupt an einer Springer-Veranstaltung teilzunehmen.
Almost the same way I used to use Twitter innthe early days:
Works really well for me and even though I only have half the amount of followers I had on Twitter, I have more high quality conversations and less trolls.
Lemmy and Mastodon
I have deleted my accounts on Reddit, Twittet and Facebook.
„Tbh, I should have delayed the countdown timer by 1 more week.
That would have given me enough time to resolve the delays we are currently facing.
I apologize, and am working diligently to get @loops into your hands ASAP!
Your patience is greatly appreciated while I work on this.
The hype is real, soon y’all will make history by participating in the first fediverse platform dedicated to short looping videos, and the first mobile only fediverse platform 🚀“
I would not use „Amerika“ if I would refer to the US. I usually mean the geographical combination of North and South America if I would use the term.
If I want to reference the US, I would use „die USA“, „die Vereinigten Staaten“ or in short just „die Staaten“.
Someone got cold feet, as it seems. I guess OpenSearch started to eat their lunch.
My guess: The reputation is already ruined and this change won’t make much of a difference.
Meh, that just killed my interest in the project. I was really looking forward to their first release. Now I don’t care anymore.
The rule is pretty clear: Stay away from anything Altman touches if you want to keep a clear conscience.
Natürlich macht das niemand. Kein Mensch mit etwas Verstand kündigt, bevor der neue Arbeitsvertrag unterschrieben ist.
Bye, bye Firefox!
Sure, no problem. But this time without all the unfair special rules and exceptions that the UK had.
That’s what you get when you vote conservative-right.
SAP still seems to do it this way.
Yupp. Ist krass.
Ich schreibe „Grundsatzprogramm“ und du verlinkst das Wahlprogramm.
Muss alles mundgerecht präsentiert werden? Ist es zuviel verlangt, dass der Fragende dann in der Quelle -> nach „Steuern“ sucht?
Seite 63:
Im Grundsatzprogramm stehen Steuersenkungen für Firmen.