TIL the Middle East was in a vacuum.
TIL the Middle East was in a vacuum.
Like what you might find in a hot, dry region?
Interesting question. I wonder how common dryers are in the Middle East? It’s famously hot and dry there so a dryer seems a bit redundant.
What does this have to do with the article and my comment? Everything you are saying contradicts the CEOs position. My comment simply highlighted that his blanket rule would probably not apply to him. Explain the false equivalency you are referring to because I have no idea who you are comparing. Clearly you have been a little too close to these overpaid hacks, because you are clearly drinking their kool-Aid. Do you honestly believe this guy puts in an 8+ hour work day? Sure… CEOs are renowned for their work ethic. Please do continue to tell me how much more knowledgeable you are on this issue than I.
So your saying it’s not appropriate to have a blanket rule for everyone demanding everyone work in the office 5 days a week… False equivalency my arse. His job description is “make number go up”. He could do his job from a small office next to the sales guy. On what planet do you think defending the CEO will make a difference when your employer decides they need more control over your life?
I bet he isn’t in the office 5 days a week…
Australia: Shaddap You Face - Joe Dolce Shaddap you face
Awesome, which side was the dryer on where you lived?