men realized that women can cast spells with those thing, so we forced you to hide them
if you voted for Trump you’re going to Hell, and this is why… he looked like the Easy Way to you… you took the Easy Way, and that’s what you go to Hell for, you cowards…
if you’re a man and you voted for Trump, you’re a Momma’s Boy, just like Mike Pence and Bill O’Reilly… you were coddled…
and i don’t give a damn about any of you hellbound assholes… you can all rot…
momma’s boy: (n) a man who’s used to getting attention just because he threatens to throw a fit; see cunt
men realized that women can cast spells with those thing, so we forced you to hide them
conservatives do not comprehend satire
maybe you could pack a chute inside each seat, and then just dump all the seats out with everyone still in them… chutes deploy automatically… like a pilot’s seat in a jet fighter, but less complicated…
“okay everyone, stand up calmly and put on your parachute while the plane falls out of the sky… once everyone is done with that, and all parachutes are secure, we will begin an orderly de-boarding… thank you for your attention - while the plane falls out of the sky for some reason…”
that is what i call a BBB game
this particular case called for it, that’s all… there’s a reasonable warrant, and the details are now open to public scrutiny… it’s obviously been handled responsibly… creating a big uproar over it doesn’t help…
they were tracking down a SWATter, so i’m fine with it
hire some people to make sure your service runs nice for your customers, dipshit
there are some interesting stories like Office Space, which basically did nothing at the box office because it was barely shown or marketed… but as soon as people got the chance to see it on cable, it became a huge phenomenon, so it was obviously a giant missed opportunity…
all hail the mighty Nerd Dragon… i want to see the one Steve Jobs slew to get the iphone… must have been a sleek, sexy dragon…
i thought that film with Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga was going to be about making lots of helium
sixty years after that we had escaped the atmosphere itself and the Moon was within reach
are they just trying to get some people to quit before they do expensive layoffs
people go around just looking to get slapped
no, and it’s not a grease down and a shiatsu either… these lads are out to hurt each other…
you just demonstrated the theory’s egotism
simulation theory is an egotistical fantasy, which presumes we feeble chimps have realized the ultimate purpose of Creation within computer games… humans do this every few hundred years… we invent a spiffy new device, and then immediately decide it must be perfectly analogous to God’s mind, and that we are just one step shy of reaching Godhood ourselves…
if protests did nothing, they wouldn’t be forbidden in China and Russia and every other autocratic society
not even Russia knows what the fuck it is, there’s no point trying to characterize it from the outside with broad textbook political definitions like that… it’s a criminal enterprise first and foremost… any ideological considerations are lipstick on that pig…
are Russians fascist? you betcha they are… is it a dictatorship? it’s more of an official government mafia…
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