Me, spending hours on Age of Empires 2 and loving it
Me, spending hours on Age of Empires 2 and loving it
We water by soaking the plants in the tub, then letting them sit on towels before going back on the shelf. A bit tedious but only has to be done every 1-2 months.
This is how I did it with my old board. My new board has a jumper to toggle between powering via USB and not.
It’s a joke about software development tools breaking in dumb ways, and that it’s not a problem with saws
I’m a software engineer who does woodworking, and I approve this message.
But my favorite explanation: you grab your hand saw, and it works. You don’t find out that the latest npm japanese-hand-saw-tooth package is incompatible with plywood, and you need to downgrade the package or buy new plywood to make a cut.
That’s a good point, I thought about that too. Not sure how sturdy that would be. I’d probably step on it and break it eventually.
Agreed, it was a ton of work. The back of the saw was definitely the biggest struggle because of how the motor moved when adjusting tilt and height.
Sealing the blade shroud might have worked. I’d probably try that first if I did this again.
The unit “hertz” means “per second”. A higher value is still one second, but more events per second.
But you make ten coffee tables and you break even. And then it’s all profit
I used PLA+ with no complaints so far
It worked pretty well for the ~10 long thin rips I did.
Holding up fine even after dropping it. Definitely works. And I decided to print the model I found with modular bits so I could reprint and replace the broken feathers when that eventually happens, instead of reprinted entire body.
What is this used for?