Why not make them executable and stick them in bin
Why not make them executable and stick them in bin
With some effort I believe so
I’m not sure they consider it solving your problem but throwing your hands in the air and giving up is not a solution. And there really is no magic bullet. Even with medication you will need to take steps to self adjust your own behavior, it’s unavoidable and hard.
You may miss alarms it’s part of the process of making the habit. You may forget, but aiming for a goal of starting that habit is the point.
It does, that’s the part people often have trouble with. Starting very small really helps with this. I struggle with trying to take on too much at once all the time. I have a lot of interests. I have to constantly remind myself to focus on one problem at a time
Gnome browser, I’d use ladybird but it’s not ready yet
Yeah it takes a lot of mindfulness for sure. I just want people to know there is hope, and there is good advice out there. It’s just hard, and that really sucks. I hope people can find good support structures like I did.
I think generally the idea is to start small
I think it’s usually more of a suggestion of a place to start. Alarms for example are really good. Especially if you issue is not being able to remember things. There is no one size fits all solution.
I also urge people to be careful with medication. Dosing is important. I was put on a high level of medication and it basically just cracked me out 24/7. I would tell people it was helping me but it held me back a lot. Several of my friends of victims of the same issues. The drugs gave me all the serotonin I needed and it kinda kept me from doing anything at all instead of leveling me out where I could focus.
It took a lot of self reflection to see the damage it was doing.
Medication is a valuable tool but listen to your support structures and let your doctors know how you are responding to your meds.
I often find some ADHD people (myself included for a long time) for some reason automatically shun the simple ideas like this. ALOT of them really are helpful and it does take ALOT of will power. Especially for someone with executive function disorder.
Maybe I’m just a one off case but after putting in years of effort the habits I made have really helped me. And I can feel the damage that occurs when I stop doing them.
There are less maggats then you think. And many of them if seeing a revolution would switch sides quickl
You can install imperatively using nice profiles. So you the OP can set up the base distro in a way their SO can’t break. Then any extra software can be installed imperatively using nix profiles. Any installed software will work as normals. Checking the normal places for configurations if their SO even needs to go that far
Because people believe that they might be able keep what they have if they keep quiet and also believe they might loose their way or life or in general their life if they take up arms
The majority aren’t at the point where they are willing to sacrifice everything yet. They have families, homes, food, friends. Currently the administration hasn’t taken away enough from enough people to get it really going. It will be coming though. People just haven’t felt the affects yet
Nixos with whatever defaults you don’t want her touching, then she can use nix profiles to install extra software if she wants
Sometimes puzzles or problems will take root in my head and it becomes nearly impossible to distract myself from them. Often times I mull over them until exhaustion and I just have one phrase or word repeating in my head trying to understand it. Often times accompanied by a migraine and an intense feeling of sorrow
Helix’s is amazing. It’s pretty simple and it has tons of out of the box features like lsp support. I switched from vim and never looked back tbh. It’s far superior
It’s a combination of fire and air, possibly just fire