I bet WoW runs like a dream on that machine 😂
RIF (Raging Intersectional Feminist), breast cancer survivor, Web dev professional, succulents, gaming, yarn crafts, 3d printing, and my sweet senior pug.
I bet WoW runs like a dream on that machine 😂
I am on a 6 year old computer playing 10 year old games. I don’t see a need to upgrade anytime soon.
Why does there have to be a point? I have no legacy, I’ll never pass anything to the next generation, I have and will not ever make anything that changes the course of humankind, the world will probably not be a better place after I am gone. But I still feel happiness when I see a beautiful sunset, I laugh when my dog does something goofy and I smile when I see others expressing real joy. I don’t have to have a direction to still enjoy life while I am here to enjoy it.
If it makes you feel better, it will never be the same as it was when you first played. Every time there is a xpac that looks interesting I have tried and failed to get that feeling back. It devolves very quickly into feeling like a job again.