idk why you’re getting downvoted, I haven’t seen any scientists or doctors refute the study or claim there’s reason to believe this medicine won’t work.
idk why you’re getting downvoted, I haven’t seen any scientists or doctors refute the study or claim there’s reason to believe this medicine won’t work.
I appreciate your honesty, I can relate b/c I’ve been there at points in my life too, including the weed. three things helped me kick/reduce all those habits:
I can recommend a book called Don’t Believe Everything You Think, it’s a short & easy read that reminds you why it’s good to be in the present & that all the answers you need are already within you if you’re honest enough with yourself to ask & answer those questions. good luck!
🤣 you got me
“procrastination” can be seen as avoiding tasks, but IMO we need a different word to describe it for tasks you want to do (which eventually get done) and those you don’t (which may not).
seems to me capitalists favor using that word for the former case as an explanation of why people with ADHD take so long to do tasks; they want us to see mental and emotional pre-processing as “wasted time”
this was a helpful starter list thank you lmao! I’m usually a single-carryon dude myself, but this time I’m going camping so I have to bring a checked bag with stuff I never usually think about like a sleeping bag, sleeping pad, tent (which I put up last weekend to make sure I have all the parts & I’m not freaking out in the rain), eclipse glasses, etc
if someone tells me we’re leaving tomorrow I’m like nuh uh I’m gonna need that in writing and delivered at least 2 weeks in advance sir, otherwise I may perish b/c I’ll forget to bring anything to sustain life other than the clothes on my body
exactly 💯 and then when I realize I forgot the thing it’s like what was all the mental preparation for?
is your automation automated? mine’s manual I’m jealous
wow thanks for reminding me of Yelawolf
Bipolar magnetic semiconductors?