Nice suggestion!
Nice suggestion!
You might have a crush on Logic :)
Interesting, I’ve never heard of softwares that don’t support virtualized systems, I mean how would they… know?
Glad to hear of this success story, never reinstall a perfectly crafted OS!
All that matters is… THE CUBE IS BACK BABY!
It was just an elaborate rickroll, they’re getting sneakier.
Agreed, bsod is precisely what I’ve been running from with Linux.
Snip, snap! Snip, snap! Snip, snap!
That’s called a paint scraper, my dude
Shocking that a distinct society, a separate nation within Canada, has different customs…
If it’s not a gecko I don’t want it!
Knowing such basic tools are missing makes me quite averse to trying it :/
None of these. Use Firefox.
I only use it for video editing.
You verbalized my reaction to this so perfectly!