Beautiful dog, definitely up to something.
Beautiful dog, definitely up to something.
Such is the jurisprudence, yes.
Aww he’s all discombobulated
He’s cute, but I don’t know about happy 😅 Isn’t the wide open mouth baring the teeth a threat display in opossums?
My dudes, what is going on with all the baskets today?
In the least I get some benefit, namely that they don’t eat my other plants as much.
The time between these Saddam Hussein memes is always just long enough that they surprise me again and are still funny.
Joke’s on you, I have ADHD and this changes nothing from my normal resting state.
Are you explaining my own joke to me? Why?
I’ve heard people say the opposite, “wouldn’t piss on her if she was on fire”.
Just the middle 2 cm of the aorta will do.
Nah, they’re English speaking but they just have a cold.
How do you live with this in your house?! 😂
I wouldn’t get anything done as long as the cat looks like that.