Just read the first section of The Will to Change. As a man, it’s fascinating and enlightening to see a feminist deal with men and masculinity rather than dismiss them.
Just read the first section of The Will to Change. As a man, it’s fascinating and enlightening to see a feminist deal with men and masculinity rather than dismiss them.
Being gay doesn’t mean someone is somehow less masculine, which is the heart of what the “homo water” idiot is implying.
Was the British Empire, upon which the sun never set, somehow not masculine enough? One could argue it ran on tea. Morally questionable, absolutely, but not manly enough?
Were the samurai somehow compromised in their masculinity because they drank tea, sometimes in elaborate ceremonies?
And, apart from tea, were the Sacred Band, the elite warriors who died to a man fighting Alexander the Great’s dad, somehow less manly because they were all gay?
I bet this colleague of yours also thinks straws are gay in this parlance, as if it’s somehow more manly to put one’s lips on the same glass rims touched by hundreds of others. I guess hygiene is not masculine or heterosexual.
And the thing is, even my rant here is problematic because it spawns from a lifetime of people equating gay with not being enough of a man, an attitude that infects my own thinking.
Shit, the most feminine of men is more of a man than these idiots if he stands up for his identity unapologetically.
I tried reading two different series from Stephen R. Donaldson, and it seemed to me he was somehow unable to write a book without a horrific rape. I just stopped reading the first book in each case because I felt like they were salacious and hateful.
Congratulations, you played yourself.
But claims that we the best music…I am now disillusioned.
No spez?
Adam Something is a favorite of mine.
God help the poor mathematical geniuses who accidentally discover that math. If they’re lucky, they end up working for the Laundry.
I wish I had seen your comment earlier. You said it better than I did just now.
I haven’t watched the show, but reading your comment about the shopkeepers, the “problem” appears to be that they MAY be lesbians and they exist. That existence and possibility might be a trigger is sad to me. The hateful folks say it’s about homosexuality being shoved in their face, but, really, it’s a total rejection at the heart of their beliefs. It’s why when activists talk about the dangers of this bigotry, we ought to listen, because the existence or mere possibility of gay people being a problem for some people is only a short step away from the solution for those people being elimination.
Making an important distinction, my friend.
With an older machine, would it matter if I got a dram-less SSD? Would I notice a significant difference? I’ve seen a Teamgroup SSD (the T-force Vulcan Z) that’s a bit cheaper, but it has no cache. It does appear to have a newer architecture though that appears to give it a longer life.
Samsung seems like the gold standard, but the MX 500 seems more in line with what I want to pay on something this old. I was considering some like the Patriot Burst line or even some of the stuff on AliExpress, but some reviews I found scared me away from those.
I remember the term for the fascists in Sinclair Lewis’s It Can’t Happen Here was corporatists. That novel was contemporaneous with the rise of fascism as I recall, and it’s a chilling look at how America might have gone fascist back then. It’s pretty relevant to what’s happening now.
This game rocks. I love the fact that I’ve got a home brew version on my Wii of all things. Getting it back on the PC, though…I used to be able to do crazy crap with the Arilou Skiff using the keyboard controls. Never felt the the same with a controller or a touch screen.
I love Auralnauts so much! Aside from the Star Wars stuff, I really like Fictional Fight Commentary and the infomercial stuff.
The high level of sheer incompetence at all levels, but especially in management. I’m lucky to work with competent folks directly, but the sheer amount of work created by stupidity outside of my department is soul-crushing. I can present definitive proof of systemic failures all day long, and no one is interested in doing a damned thing if the people or departments in question are politically powerful within the organization. Neither I nor my immediate colleagues are perfect, but we acknowledge our failures and try to create solutions. So many others, though, seem so invested in the status quo beyond all reason.
They will recognize his seat on the council, but will not grant him the title of meowster.