Haven’t heard of it until right now, but as soon as I saw Klei, I knew it was worth at least a look. I love how they are all over the map for the types of games they make.
Haven’t heard of it until right now, but as soon as I saw Klei, I knew it was worth at least a look. I love how they are all over the map for the types of games they make.
I went with a cool decal for the front and called it a day. Good luck if you make the attempt!
I did the same. Didn’t quite have the guts to try for a full case replacement. It looks cool!
59 out of 10?
I’ve been racking up Scouts memories to play through after I’m done with the story.
I think I’m about 1/2 through the final chapter right now, so I should be getting over to Scout shortly.
I’ve been playing Murder by Numbers. I actually like it more on my deck than on my PC, as I like the controller interface better than with a mouse.
I get that. I didn’t rebuy anything I already have. I have tables scattered across all 3 versions of PinballFx out there and it’s super irritating.
I snagged a bunch of Williams pinball tables already. Very excited to be able to play No Good Gophers in the comfort of my own home.
May also finally pull the trigger on Cyberpunk now.
Great timing for this post. I just hit the same thing with the new Robocop demo. Time to go try these workarounds for that.
Yep I’m in for this one
I already have M vs C 2 for my Dreamcast (both Japanese and US versions) and I bought the 1up cabinet with almost all the games in this collection on it.
But I’m still in for this collection to have a much easier way to play these games whenever I want. These bring back VERY fond memories of my arcade days.