Wait why would anyone bot games that are for worthless chips?
backup account of https://feddit.de/u/sexy_peach
Wait why would anyone bot games that are for worthless chips?
No I am looking to play texas hold’em poker
Nooo without money of course
It doesn’t have enough people online…
I will try pokerTH now, they even have a linux app.
Yes but also we can stop turning food into fuel or into less efficient luxuries like meat etc
Not let the government have 100% viewability of every financial transaction you ever made
That’s explicitly not the case with gnu taler though.
Edit: I checked their website https://taler.net/en/features.html and I don’t even know if sending person to person is possible. So you might have a point. I would never advocate to get rid of cash though, cash is good. Maybe in a distant future once we really have a digital equivalent working reliably.
How does you comment relate to my post?
They don’t even want to bust them. They just want to intercept
Gnu taler doesn’t enable tax evasion if I am not mistaken. Vendors income is public I think.
You can’t make this shit up
Also ich kenn paar coole Leute dieser Spezies, waere schade drum.
Naja colorwaschmittel hat leider keine Bleiche. Diese hilft aber auch etwas beim desinfizieren und so.
Oh it’s definitely dying.
Das ist eine 9kg Maschine von Bosch.
Stiftung Warentest hat bessere Ergebnisse bei Pulverwaschmittel festgestellt, ist zudem auch günstiger: https://www.test.de/Vollwaschmittel-Die-Besten-fuer-Weisses-4770157-0/
Das gilt aber nur fuer weisse Waesche, die habe ich nicht.
For fun?