I doubt this patent would affect this
I doubt this patent would affect this
Yeah colours on my T14s sucks, but good enough for engineering
The only extension I really need is hot edge, I never liked the hot corner and I will never like it, especially since I have a super ultra wide.
Pretty sure explotation isnt a requirement for social democracy, though I do not deny that explotation is currently happening, really need that cobalt.
I guess its all the debloating
There would actualy be no benefit of torturing him in secret, it doesnt act as a derrent for others in any way.
Lbry put out a message today saying they are done after losing a legal battle with the SEC
How? According to GDRP phone numbers is considered personal information, they dont have any right to use it to combat spam if the person asked for erasure.
they can’t think long term
Well they can, but only in one way: Grow by selling at a loss to outcompete other and then make a profit.
Still doesn’t justify commiting a genocide
I think its just a considerable effort to port it to arm and the metal api.
It kinda comes out of the body just like milk so makes sense
No its Nvidia that doesnt work with wayland, they need to fix their drivers.
Its the opposite
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You can also achieve this by setting up VLAN for guests
SteamOS 1 and 2 was Debian based, the new one is arch based
I still use print as a quick “debug” its just convenient to have multiple prints in the code when you’re iterating and changing code.
It runs even better than GO did on Linux too.
So you dont have to start the game 15 times for it to work?
There is other apps like newpipe or grayjay, i havent experienced any ads using them