Hmm I didnt know you could recycle filament. That is certainly positive. So that would mean you could take a 3D printed object and melt it down (?) and make something new out of it? Is it infinitely recyclable or does it lose certain properties? And is that easy to do and do people actually do that? (I don’t mean to sound negative, I’m genuinely curious)
Honestly, how much of the 3D printed crap ends up in landfills? It’s the summum of our low quality, fast-creation, use once (twice?) and throw-away culture. This has to be one of the least eco friendly ways of product creation.
I know Black Lotus is one of the most (the most) valuable MTG card, but why is that so?
It’s a nice card, but not all that extremely powerful or special, is it? Was it just super rare? It’s from one of the first series, I believe?
Ask someone in the north of finland how hot is “very hot”, and how cold is very cold. Then ask the same in middle Africa. Spoiler: it will vary alot.
Carbon fiber can’t handle impact? Nonsense! I’ve got a Stockton Rush paper right here proving otherwise! He even built a whole submersible to go down to the titanic. Next thing you say it won’t handle pressure cycling either? Poppycock!
(/s obviously)