The both of you are correct.
I cannot help it. I cannot change
I’m a runaway train
The both of you are correct.
“Sportsball normie Lemmy user” reporting in and I have the answer! The answer being: I DON’T KNOW . Not all of us are the same. My usual response to my team having a disappointing season is just trying to enjoy the rest of the season from an entertaining perspective while dying inside over my team’s showing.
When my team has won the Superbowl (will not disclose the amount of times), I have ridden that sublime high for well, all of my life since that fateful year(s) in a sun kissed peace almost like a runners high. I never felt the need to fuck shit up is what I’m saying
My God… it’s the perfect organism
Actually Based Beyond Belief 🙌 that’s a W quote if there ever was one
OMG so beautiful! You put your coat on too early though babe 😺
In all fairness, Captain Shaw did mention the Jurati Borg, albeit a bit offhandedly.
“Forget about all that weird shit on the Stargazer. The real Borg are still out there”
Yami getting ready to power up that Dark Dimension Slash
Mr Handsome
Oh God no, we’ve won way more Super Bowls than the Eagles. I mean only one more, but still