Oh yeah, a good sandwich can make my day
Oh yeah, a good sandwich can make my day
Yeah, cold sandwiches were probably the first as well. Then maybe boiled eggs, scrambled eggs were not really a thing in the Netherlands back then. After that I helped out with other stuff like boil rice of pasta. And I remember doing some simple groceries alone when I must have been between 11 or 12. But the supermarkets were only 10 minutes away by foot.
I live in the Netherlands and I learned to make my own lunch from an early age. Can’t say for certain at which age, but 6 or 7 sounds about right. I made lasagna when I was 11 and cooked other stuff regularly. My parents always stimulated me being self sufficient. And I saw the same happening with my friends.
Yeah it takes so much dedication and practice to become a successful writer, so it’s really remarkable that he wrote such a great story as his first novel. It shows his unique mind. And the raw (if you can call it that) feeling of Elantris adds to the charm for me. Its like seeing the writer grow and evolve before your eyes.
Oh wow, I didn’t know that! And so far I’ve enjoyed how he wrotw the WoT series. Keeping in touch with the overall feeling of the books, but still writing within himself and not trying to emulate Robert Jordan.
Nice! Reading WoT takes a while, but it so worth it
Thanks, I’m really looking forward to it! It’s been a long journey through these 15 books. And Brandon Sanderson is great, I love the Mistborn and Stormlight books, but Elantris is one that really gripped me. Such a interesting and well-written story.
I’ve started A Memory of Light. The last book in the Wheel of Time series.
And I’m also reading Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Yeah thats true. In Bethesda’s dictionary exploration means: find minerals, 7 life forms and 3 unique geological formations. And by unique we mean like on the other planets.
It also bugs me that Bethesda keeps saying that the game is about exploration and finding new planets, but so far every planet I’ve visited has some kind of building upon it. Its clear that people have been on this planet before, so why the hell should I explore this planet? At least give me some incentive or a better reward for finding a true empty planet.
Sure, but it’s the amount of support he got that scares me. There’s a lot of support for the right wing in the Netherlands. That means that either a lot of people support those views or are willing to put up with these xenophobic zealots just to make a statement.
This one hurt. The fight for the EU, the climate, diversity and the democracy just became harder.
I deleted my Google account recently and I agree that Google maps is in a league of their own. I now use Magic Earth in my car, but searching for something is not as good as Google maps. But so far the realtime traffic info is good
Flight simming. Started out with a cheap joystick. Now I have an expensive one, throttle quadrants, rudder pedals, a vr headset and I’ve built myself a button box and a flight seat. And I’m now I want a helicopter collective. Oh well…
The transfer into proton is indeed very easy and with their family pack you also get Mail, Drive, VPN, Calendar and they keep working on adding more. Very happy with proton and their fight for privacy