I’m so much more worried about my future kids’ access to toxic alpha male shit and fascist propaganda than I am about porn.
I’m so much more worried about my future kids’ access to toxic alpha male shit and fascist propaganda than I am about porn.
“This is not a place of honor”
You are right, of course. There are things we can’t condone. But you realize that by saying it you sound exactly like the “all lives matter” response to BLM: technically correct, but oblivious to the context in which the original statement arises. When we say Palestinian lives matter, we aren’t saying Israeli lives don’t. We’re saying that you have forgotten that Palestinian lives even matter at all.
I think they were referring to alien consipracists, who much like flat earthers believe in a global hoax committed by the elite (read: Jews and Liberals) to keep us misinformed on the true nature of our reality (for some reason). In that way they are very much cut from the same cloth.
I just tried making sugar cookies, adding black sesame powder and replacing a portion of the butter with sesame oil. These cookies slap.
The Expanse. I forgot how good the earlier seasons were, and looking forward to seeing the newer stuff for the first time.