I don’t have an autocorrect function on my pocket computer keyboard and avoid it like the plague when on my desktop.
I am aware I make mistakes (not a native english speaker) and have sausage fingers, so I do try to review what I write, before and after posting it.
I’m also not offended if someone points out a mistake to me.
I think I got it!
Can you teach me or just point towards a tutorial?
I’m a fence sitter on the eggs front, not going to lie.
I had a few chickens for some time, always made sure they were well fed, sheltered and protected from potential predators and at some point they just started laying eggs around. There was no rooster to fertilize the eggs, so… it was just spoiling around.
White/non-white vegan? That is uncharted territory for me. Can you expand a little more on that?
Why, thank you, Mr. President. It’s an honor to get a compliment from a personality such as yourself.
I… really don’t have a reply to that. Autophagy? Perhaps?
That was a very compreensive answer. You gave me a few thinking points.
Let’s just say I’m not eligible for organ donation altough being healthy.
There is more to the world than the US.
Baseline for the average person will be the make-believe-meats already on the market. Can’t blame them.
Personally, if you want to cut back on meat consumption, just cut it and enrich your diet with other ingredients and new dishes and cooking styles. For me, the entire industry of the meat-that-isn’t is an ugly grab for the wallets of people, not something necessary.
Meat should be a luxury.
What do you think supplements are for?
As someone that has the genetic trait that enables me to smell insects… thank you, but no thank you.
Regarding corporations controlling lab meat production: regulation, control, overview.
There are so many wrong things on that sentence.
Sit down. Grab a drink, if you’re a drinker. Relax.
Story time.
My country was involved in a somewhat civil war between 1961 and 1974. Grisly thing, fought overseas, in many different scenario. For some, it was a holiday season, as the terrain they were deployed to was essentially peaceful or very low combat prone but others saw very harsh conditions, with even lack of combat rations.
On one particular front, things got so ugly, so dire, that at some point people did resort to cannibalism. Well, a mix of cannibalism and necrophagia, as the fresh corpses of the deceased would be dug up during the night, pieces of the flesh harvested and the corpse returned to its grave. Heads were treated as a delicacy.
According to a man that spent three years on that hell and came back alive to tell the story, and now I quote: “tasted like pork, a little sweeter and a bit more oily but it was better than slowly starving to death”. Soldiers and locals alike were reduced to such last resort solutions.
That’s for the taste part.
For the dangers of eating it, there are prion diseases like Kuru. It is always a concern lifted against the consumption of human flesh. Then there are the autoimmune diseases, pathogens and virus we all carry.
Since the theoretical at hand is based on the premise of all meat being lab cultivated, I risk most of those risks would be diminished.
Personally, I wouldn’t eat it. Religious authorities would jump off their rails just on the simple mention of the idea.
Cannibalism was a last resort solution in extreme desperation. Have some nightmare fuel on me.
That is a good question.