The integration is ok and the psvr2 is quite nice with the oleds. I have the adapter and it works. BUT VR is an utter joke… specially on the ps5 itself. So unless you are a furry and really really really need that much vr porn then I’d wait another 5 years and spend that money on hooker and blow instead.
Na billigerer Zucker. High fructose corn Sirup
Please someone introduce the idea of ‘real men shit standing’ or ‘I shit my ground standing’ to toxic masculine MAGA people and make it a thing. 🙏
If the idea of masculinity is getting challenged by sitting down to pee theres a whole shit ton of other more urgent problems mate 😹
No! The game is perfect. Don’t screw it up with a sequel
Oh my bad. I thought you meant ‘days gone’
Phone keyboard ate the 2… it’s a /32 block ipv6
We were offered a /32(?) for like 1000$/yr… sounds like a good deal tbh
We are going full v6 with SIIT-DC (rfc7755) with our next hardware refresh. Our mother site doesn’t but we don’t care what they do as that’s not our problem
Except that there was no advertising for concord lol.
The funny thing about these kinds of atheists is that they always have to tell you what they believe in 🤭
Hier is der article von der WHO start from the first drop&text=“We cannot talk about a,drop of any alcoholic beverage.
Und hier die Mayo Klinik:
What headset do you use? I thought getting a a770 meant no VR for me… wish it would render Celeste properly lol
Leise Furzen wird nie wieder so sein wie früher
Ich wünschte nur ich könnte mich noch a die albernen Dateinamen der Filmchen erinnern. Irgendwas mit ‘Zelt’ und ‘Apfel im arsch’ gnihihihi
1949 was the only year that the ‘Nobel prize for the frontal lobotomy’ was given out. It was replaced by the Nobel prize for peace the next year.
It’s a totally valid point. Both waste your time and money to distract for a brief moment. You can use all the renewables you want but in the end the consumer is the product and the product needs you to keep consuming it to justify its existence. We need pyrotechnics to excercise ghost as much as we need another season of that marveldisneyfox show to survive. Or the steam summersale to make us think we are saving money by buying more games. Unsub, unfollow, smash the bellbutton and block shit more often.
Maybe you ‘need’ an update. I see it on a 12 pro